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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 - 08:03 am: | |
历届奥运会简介 第一届:1896雅典(希腊) 第二届:1900巴黎(法国) 第三届:1904圣路易斯(美国) 第四届:1908伦敦(英国) 第五届:1912斯德哥尔摩(瑞典) 第七届:1920安特卫普(比利时) 第八届:1924巴黎(法国) 第九届:1928阿姆斯特丹(荷兰) 第十届:1932洛杉矶(美国) 第十一届:1936柏林(德国) 第十四届:1948伦敦(英国) 第十五届:1952赫尔辛基(芬兰) 第十六届:1956墨尔本(澳大利亚) 第十七届:1960罗马(意大利) 第十八届:1964东京(日本) 第十九届:1968墨西哥城(墨西哥) 第二十届:1972慕尼黑(德国) 第二十一届:1976蒙特利尔(加拿大) 第二十二届:1980莫斯科(苏联) 第二十三届:1984洛杉矶(美国) 第二十四届:1988汉城(韩国) 第二十五届:1992巴塞罗那(西班牙) 第二十六届:1996亚特兰大(美国) 第二十七届:2000悉尼(澳大利亚) 第二十八届:2004雅典(希腊) 第二十九届:2008北京(中国) 第三十届:2012伦敦(英國) |
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Thursday, April 14, 2011 - 09:21 am: | | 日本相扑协会解雇中国人力士苍国来 BBC中文网日本特约记者 童倩 2011年4月14日
苍国来去年9月晋升为“幕内”最下等的平幕级力士,成为日本相扑史上最高级的中国人力士。 日本传统国技大相扑的组织“日本相扑协会”周四(4月14日)宣布解雇日本史上最高位的中国人幕内力士苍国来,以惩处相扑协会认定苍国来参与了赛前交涉输赢的交易。 这是苍国来至周三限期内没回应相扑协会对他发出的自动引退劝告后,相扑协会作出决定。不过相扑协会也决定全额支付原来预计不发放的530万日元(约6.5万美元)养老金。 至此日本已有25名力士在今年警方揭发的涉嫌事前交涉输赢的案件中,被迫引退或被解雇。 苍国来周四傍晚在东京和另一名遭遇同样原因解雇的蒙古人力士星风召开记者会,苍国来强调他没参与输赢交易,表示如果今后相扑协会不撤回处分,他将寻求法律诉讼讨回名誉清白, 而星风则宣布随即提出法律诉讼。 内蒙古力士 27岁的苍国来是内蒙古赤峰市巴林右旗人,原名恩和图布新。7岁起学内蒙古相扑,16岁时获全国冠军。 2003年6月苍国来抵达日本,进入东京荒汐部屋(师匠房)门下,成为荒汐亲方(师匠)的弟子,取名苍国来荣吉。 身高1.85米的苍国来在相扑界算是小个子,但去年1月他以五胜两败的成绩升上“十两”级、成为力士,开始为人所知。去年9月他再晋升为“幕内”最下等的平幕级力士,成为日本相扑史上最高级的中国人力士。 力士体重与输赢并不绝对成正比,技巧、运动机能、判断能力等与输赢都有密切关系。 大相扑历史 日本大相扑十七世纪前已有,十七世纪江户时代起,相扑的高级力士们作为神事、武道和商业的表演者开始组织化。身高体壮力大的群体总令当局警惕,幕府几度取缔,但与皇室深交的力士们终在十九世纪形成明确的相扑组织,延续至今叫“相扑协会”。 大相扑现在每年有六场所(赛季),逢单月轮流在东京、大阪、名古屋、福冈举行,每场所为期两周。1965年起大相扑在海外表演,73年和04年在北京、上海表演过。 鲜明等级制 自古以来,力士就按输赢多寡划分严格等级,由下至上分成“幕下”、“十两”和“幕内”三大阶段构成“金字塔”。十两从来就是幕下和幕内身份与收入的分水岭、是力士龙门。 幕下里几个等级的力士在相扑界不够格称力士,只称“养成员”,除了学技,在所属的各部屋打杂、服侍力士。十两以上才称力士,而幕内力士由下至上的等级是“平幕”、“小结”、“关胁”、“大关”、“横纲”。 养成员无薪,十两力士的年薪却超过1622万日元(约19万美元),顶级的横纲力士年收薪超过4551万日元(约54万美元)。大相扑协会发放给各部屋养成员生活费,养成员只在赛季可领到少量津贴,但十两以上力士还有名目繁多的奖金、赏与等,总额预计超过薪水。 相扑界危机 1891年日本明治时期,法国人和美国人成为日本最早的外国人力士以来,二十世纪后期日本外国人力士渐多。随着足球、棒球、高尔夫球等现代运动在日本流行和球员有更高收入,相扑界没了优势,日本青少年越来越不愿投身艰苦的相扑。日本为保护传统文化,把相扑纳为公益事业,由国家津贴、守护。 03年最后的日本人横纲贵乃花引退后,日本相扑力士的金字塔尖端全由蒙古人占据至今,目前日本唯一的横纲是蒙古人白鹏。苍国来是继1974年以来的第二名中国人力士。 二十一世纪后,相扑界先爆出几名力士吸毒案,后发生亲方打死养成员案,去年几十名力士和亲方被揭赌博棒球,丑闻还扯上与黑社会的关系,令相扑界威望受损、观众席空虚。 今年2月警方宣布在调查赌博案时,力士手机短信上暴露了低级力士之间赛前交涉输赢的案件。十两与幕下的输赢虽只差一两次,但待遇天差地别。为了避免沦为幕下,坊间流传自古十两和幕内低级力士赛前交涉输赢,让十两力士赢一、两次以保身份。 制度是祸根 案发后日本哗然,首相菅直人说“这是对日本国民的重大背叛”,防卫大臣北泽俊美说“横纲是外国人,日本人还要从事输赢交易才能做力士,简直是笑话,相扑协会要彻底改革”。 内阁宣布停止首相赐杯、官方电视台NHK宣布停止直播。相扑协会也决定停止3月和5月场所,并开始严惩涉案力士和亲方。 日本舆论广泛指出,交涉输赢当然不对,但相扑界墨守成规、沿用古老的制度违背了现代人性,对幕下养成员也太不公平。《新闻周刊》日本版总编辑竹田圭吾还说:“不少被迫引退或被解雇的力士否认涉案,只是为了领到退职金不敢追究。相扑协会既然提不出确凿证据,强行决定就有欠公允”。 |
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Sunday, November 21, 2010 - 11:57 pm: | | 有惊无险,离开河内 蒙克 | 2010-11-19, 一个在河内居住多年的中国朋友对我简要总结过越南饭菜:“汤汤水水,花花草草,酸酸辣辣,煎煎炸炸,生生冷冷…”,大概如此。多愁善感的人可能会加上“冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨”。 早上4点起来,打的从旅馆去河内机场赶去胡志明市的早班飞机。上出租车的时候没太在意司机处于什么状态。等开出市区上了去机场的大路,我突然感觉车开始慢下来,我正纳闷,试图弄清司机减速的原因:是要拐弯还是要做什么其它动作? 照片 被击落美军飞机残骸堆砌成的战争纪念碑 在我还没想明白的时候,这辆车已经像越战中被击落的美国飞机一样,一头扎到了路边的防护栏上。我这边的门已经无法打开,只得从司机那边的座位爬出来。幸亏不用跳伞,我安然无恙。打瞌睡的司机已经被震得半醒。 汽车撞上铁栏,而且被牢牢卡住,丝毫不能动弹。多亏平时养成上车系安全带的良好习惯,否则今天就是一个“鱼死网破”:不是我头破血流,就是挡风玻璃遭殃。 最后换车赶上了飞机。起飞前在机场吃了碗泡面算是对付了早饭。面泡在温吞水里,我也懒得计较。因为前一天在河内吃早饭,人家端上来的也是泡在温水里的米粉和一些花花绿绿的菜和植物。 一个在河内居住多年的中国朋友对我简要总结过越南饭菜:“汤汤水水,花花草草,酸酸辣辣,煎煎炸炸,生生冷冷…”,大概如此。多愁善感的人可能会加上“冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨”。 大概是饮食原因,加上炎热的气候,越南当地肥胖者很少。当地朋友说,也就是近年来有钱人增多,有些“富二代”的饮食结构开始“西化”,出现了些胖子。不过越南“ 富二代”似乎没有进入“疯狂飚车”、“宝马撞人”的阶段,说明越南的改革开放(越南叫做“革新开放”)亦步亦趋,比中国慢两拍的规律。 |
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, June 16, 2010 - 10:30 pm: | |
中国足协主席阎世铎看完朝鲜队的训练 当场落泪! 2010年6月17日 朝鲜队以1比2失利后,世界各国媒体都不得不承认,他们先前对朝鲜足球的轻视是“肤浅和无知”。确实,朝鲜队能够出现在南非,已经算是一种奇迹。更何况,他们还在巴西队的面前打进一球,在世界杯的历史上留下了令人感慨尊敬的巨大身影! 不妨做个简单的比对,对比一下巴西球员和朝鲜球员的收入。此前曾有媒体披露,朝鲜高水平运动员的年薪折合人民币144元,当然,出于众所周知的原因,这个数字无法得到证实。但我们还是能够通过一些分析,来了解到朝鲜球员的收入问题。 2006年,一家中国体育公司,为朝鲜队提供装备,他们为朝鲜球员每人提供了一套球衣。3年之后,朝鲜队仍然穿着这套球衣出战国际赛事,而讽刺的是,正是靠这套球衣,他们打进了世界杯!曾经到朝鲜挑选外援的马明宇透露,朝鲜队员甚至连啤酒都喝不到,虽然衣食无忧,由球队统一派发,但球员们几乎没有多少收入,手机都无法拥有,更不用说汽车了。 1999年,上海申办四国邀请赛,请来了朝鲜队、伊拉克队。战火中的伊拉克队,把组委会提供的矿泉水封包带走,几年后他们在奥运会杀入四强。而朝鲜队因为无法得到免费午餐,而向酒店经理讨了一点糖果,靠这些糖果充饥,朝鲜队两次洞穿了中国队的防线!击败中国队后,朝鲜球员们喝着中国球员丢弃的半瓶水,拿老式的相机合影。2000年四国赛时,朝鲜队员4-5个人合资,才能买到一听可乐。时任中国足协主席阎世铎看完朝鲜队的训练,当场落泪。据说,这是“阎王”第一次为足球流泪。 从以上的资料来分析,朝鲜队的球员们,收入水平不会比普通的朝鲜劳动者高出太多。据一家财经杂志的分析,朝鲜普通劳动者的月薪,仅仅在维持温饱的程度。从这个角度分析,朝鲜所有球员的年收入不过是巴西巨星罗比尼奥一天的收入!罗比尼奥在曼城的周薪是16万英镑,每天的收入约为2万欧元,即便是罗比尼奥被租借到巴西,不为曼城踢球,但只要曼城不能把钱打入罗比尼奥的银行帐户,就会惹来官司。 就是这样的一支朝鲜队,击败了富可敌国的阿联酋、阿拉伯等球队,杀进世界杯,获得了和巴西人征战的机会。在巴西人请来世界顶级运动营养学大师来调整膳食的时候,朝鲜人为了世界杯特别进行加餐,而他们吃的不过是打糕而已!在此基础上,谁能因为朝鲜队缺少经验而输球,而去嘲讽这支球队?相反,在此基础上,人们为朝鲜队拼到55分钟才丢球,人们为朝鲜队最后打进一球而感到震惊。 朝鲜球员,展示给世界的,或许不是辉煌的胜利,或许不是华美的足球。而是一种震撼,一种用心、用灵魂踢球而带来的感动。这个夜晚,多少人为朝鲜队所激动?一位腾讯网友说:感谢朝鲜队,他让我流下了多年以来的第一次热泪! 朝鲜队靠的是精神,靠的是意志,靠的是热爱自己的祖国。比如朝鲜球星郑大世,出生于日本,拥有韩国国籍。尽管,在日本踢球的郑大世收入不低,但是他却宁愿为他的祖国而奋斗。但是,韩国国家队召唤他,他不在乎;朝鲜队无法提供奖金和好的食宿条件,他不在乎。他仍然努力拼杀,仍然不断建功。 总之,这支朝鲜不应该被嘲讽。相反,他们理应得到尊重。在足球世界里,可歌可泣的不仅仅只是名气、身价和高薪,更有精神、意志和爱国感情。朝鲜队的作为,足以让全世界球迷竖起大拇指! |
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, June 08, 2010 - 11:59 pm: | | 【朋友发来的健身资料,推荐给大家看看哦!这资料和前段时间介绍的《拉筋活动一百岁》有异曲同工之妙,看来“生命在于运动”还是可以借鉴的。当然,任何健身活动都必须量力而行、循序渐进,千万不能照搬哦!——昨日发帖,帖中图片不能打开,今日重新发送。】
高龄101岁的崔介忱老先生,每当说出自己的年龄,旁人莫不抱著质疑的眼光,除了他的外貌一点也不像百岁人瑞,最教人惊讶的是他健步如飞的身手,15秒可做20个伏地挺身,一口气走完 6公里 ,仍旧气不喘,连30岁的年轻人都自叹弗如。 出生:民国前1年 学经历:警政署退休 子孙:2子1女,有4个孙女,1外孙、1外孙女。 居住情形:与太太、孙女同住。 起床入睡时间:晚间9点入睡,清晨4点半起床。

 崔老先生是河北冀州人,生於民国前一年,师范学校、陆官八期、陆军参大八期毕业,当过小学校长、陆军团长、参谋长、处长等。原本从事教职的他,因痛恨日本人侵略占领国土,决定投笔从戎,後来随著政府迁台。 崔老先生在66岁那年退休,也开始他每天不间断的运动习惯,每天必做的「床上保健功夫」是77年前从军在东北时,由察哈尔省涿鹿县清凉寺的光明法师所传授,他在35年间每天勤练,身体状况比退休前还好。
崔老先生说,人要活就要动,有健康才有快乐,他每天出门到家附近的大安森林公园,轻轻松松就可以走上半个多小时,甚至只要走得到的地方,他都是徒步。 和他结褵73年的崔老太太,今年也有92岁,但是白净光滑的脸庞,让人忍不住赞叹「保养得真好」,她笑著说两人生活简单规律,没有特别的养生秘诀,饮食方面则以清淡多蔬果为主,少吃肉类、油炸及冰冷、重辣重咸的食物。 打麻将练脑力 最多八圈 和崔介忱结褵73年的 崔老 太太(左),今年92岁,皮肤白净光滑。 崔老先生不但身体硬朗,头脑也相当清楚,他透露自己训练脑力的方法是「打麻将」,不过仍维持他一贯的养生原则,坚持只打八圈,而且绝对不熬夜。 崔老先生对於自己的保健成果相当自豪,当场示范起身体的柔软度,只见他坐到平铺的毯子上,双腿分开近180度,弯腰向前,头轻松碰到地面。 柔软度像婴儿 做上千下 接著双脚合并伸直,再弯腰,头就碰到膝盖。他说这两个动作每天都各要连续做上108下。更令人震撼的是,他还能双脚轮流拿起来挂在脖子上,让人几乎忘记他已是百岁人瑞。 崔老先生对於自己101岁的年龄认为「没什么了不起」,他说人类的正常年龄应是125岁到175岁,健康长寿的秘诀就是「营养够、睡眠够、运动够、心情愉快」而已。 百岁劈腿爷养生�畍Z介忱床上保健功夫 2010/03/08 |
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - 09:50 am: | | 分析:美国医改意味着什么? 2010年 3月 23日 王荣 BBC中文网记者
美国医改法案通过及正式生效后,奥巴马政府仍需向民众作大量说服、解释改革措施。 美国40多年来最重大的一次医疗制度改革法案预计今天(23日)由奥巴马总统签字正式生效。 但大功尚未告成,医改的预算案仍待批准。而预算是这项改革的核心,也是争执最激烈的焦点。 这项为期十年的医改计划估计耗资9400亿美元。完成后联邦预算赤字预计可减少1380亿美元。 改了些什么? 几乎所有的美国人都受到医改的影响,但受影响的方式和程度则因年龄和收入各不相同。今后十年,美国的保险业将随着医改的推进而发生根本性的变化,医疗保险的内容也将更深更广。 对于个人来说,在新的体制下,目前由于付不起保费或被保险公司以健康状况理由拒保而没有医疗保险的 3200万美国人将以不同方式获得程度不同的医疗保险。 从2014年开始,法律规定绝大部分人都必须有医疗保险,否则将被处以每年近700美元或收入的 2.5%的罚款。 大约2400万人将有资格获得税务优惠用以在新设立的保险交易市场购买医疗保险。 保险公司将不得以健康状况为由拒保,对保险支付金额设年度上限也将受到限制。 现有的雇主为雇员投保,保费从工资里扣除的做法将保留。 不过,新法案将为需要昂贵的品牌药物的患者提供返款或折价等优惠。 年轻人目前到19岁或者大学毕业就不能继续包括在家长的医疗保险里,新法案允许他们一直“靠老”到26 岁。 有些改革在法律生效后马上就会实施,而有些则要到2014年。 谁受益,谁“吃亏”? 现在没有医疗保险的群体显然是受益最多的,但其他群体和行业也将从改革中受益。 从某种意义上说,保险公司虽然受到新的规限,但也获得了三千多万潜在的客户。 而更多的人拥有医疗保险,意味着更多的人有条件去诊所、医院看病,配药,这对医药行业也是个推动。 重要的是,最后通过的法案排除了奥巴马最初设想的一种可以和私营保险公司竞争的公共保险机构。 根据估算,十年医改需要花9400亿美元,同时可以减少1380亿联邦财政赤字。 美国政府的医疗开支远远超过军费开支。2008年军费开支7000亿美元,而医疗卫生方面的政府支出为 2.4万亿美元,占当年国内生产总值的16.6%。 这些改革可以带来的好处,由谁买单呢? 首当其冲的是中高收入家庭。 从2013年起,年收入超过25万美元的家庭,投资赢利税将提高3.8%,所得税也将提高,增收部分用来充实政府为65岁以上老人提供医疗补助计划Medicare,以及为穷人提供的医疗救助Medicaid。 ========================================== 裴洛西 歐巴馬的健保女戰將 2010/03/22 【經濟日報╱編譯/于倩若】 美國健保改革法案若在眾議院順利通過,民主黨籍的眾院議長裴洛西在歷史上的地位就不僅是美國第一位女議長,也是近代最具影響力的議長。 70歲的裴洛西出身政治世家,父親曾任巴爾的摩市長及馬里蘭州眾議員,每當有選民到家中向父親求助時,小裴洛西都會幫父親寫下選民的請求,也難怪裴洛西在 2006年成為美國首位女議長會說:「我不是某天突然下定決心從政,而是從小就活在政治圈。」 裴洛西長達70年的政治素養,外加在擔任議長期間培養的溝通協調長才,都將在本周美國健保改革法案交付眾院投票表決時面臨終極考驗。 健保改革被美國總統歐巴馬視為政策改革最重要的一環,也是未來三年的施政主軸,如今讓健保改革法案在眾院闖關成功的重任就落在裴洛西肩上。 裴洛西這回真的有硬仗要打,要是健保改革法案在眾院闖關失敗,對民主黨和歐巴馬都會是一大挫敗,也可能導致民主黨在11月登場的期中選舉慘敗。 布魯金斯研究所(Brookings)國會專家曼恩說:「要是她成功讓健保改革法案過關,她就會是近代最強力且最有效率的議長。」 裴洛西在上周卯足全力拉票,緊鑼密鼓會見保守派人士、非洲族裔、拉丁裔及婦女團體,以爭取216票的法案過關所需的最低門檻票數。 她也把握每次遊說議員的機會。上周有記者無意中聽到裴洛西力勸原本持反對立場的明尼蘇達州眾議員歐博斯塔改投支持票,此後歐博斯塔便改口說,可能投贊成票。 裴洛西承襲著政治家族的血液,但直到47歲才踏入政壇,當時是裴洛西的摯友、也就是舊金山眾議員波頓(Sala Burton)在臨終前,拜託裴洛西代她角逐舊金山眾議員席位,裴洛西才在1987年投入選戰。 裴洛西在華府喬治城大學遇見丈夫、也是她的金主保羅裴洛西後就搬至舊金山,隨後的六年她生了五名子女。 裴洛西在那段時間也擔任民主黨北卡羅萊納州主席,並成為知名的募款人,裴洛西現在仍有超強的吸金能力,2002年來她為民主黨人士募得逾1億美元資金。 (綜合外電) ========================================= 奥巴马医改改什么? 2010-03-21 长沙东西现代医院管理服务有限公司 总经理 刘牧樵 为了美国医改,总统奥巴马甚至将于3月18日访问印尼和澳大利亚推迟到3月21日,期望众议院通过医疗保险改革法案,来创造美国的历史。美国医改,特别是全民健康保险改革,经历了漫长的历史。1935年由当时的罗斯福总统首次在国会提出,后来的历界总统几乎都会提及到医改,但由于种种原因,没有得以通过。最接近成功的是以为所有美国人提供真正意义的健康保险筹码上台的克林顿总统,计划向当时尚没有任何医疗保险的3700万人提供政府医疗保险,并向医疗领域引入“有管理的竞争”,加强对成本的控制。后来,在共和党的攻击和利益集团阻止下流产。 和其他总统一样,奥巴马提出的美国医改同样面对“全民医保、降低成本、削减赤字。”的问题。 1、美国医改“全民医保”问题:对于美国现有多少人没有医疗保险说法不一,有说4700万,有说3200万。一般的理解中往往认为,这些没有医疗保险的人,是美国的穷人,其实不然。在美国,国家提供社会医疗保险(Medicare)和社会医疗救助(Medicaid),前者主要是针对65岁以上的人群,后者主要是针对医保不足的老年人或穷人给予的一种公共医疗救济和帮助。那些没有医疗保险的人,往往不是最穷的人,是那些既达不到救济又没有足够收入的人。还有一些年轻人认为自己不会生病,医疗保险高,所以不愿意缴纳。和我国不同的是,美国医疗体制是由许多独立的机构组成,并非由政府主导。退伍军人、现役军人及无力购买保险的国民、65岁以上的老人等等,往往由政府提供医疗保险,其他人的医疗服务通常都由私人机构提供。由于美国是一个特别崇尚自由经济的国家,国家的许多公共服务都是由私人机构提供,医疗行业也不例外。由于医疗系统是一个松散的组织,难以由一中央机关(例如政府)进行集中规划、协调和指导,只是在质量管理、疾病分类付费等层面,建立了部分国家标准。所以,重复作业、叠床架屋、不适当、不一致、浪费等负面影响一一浮现,不但使医疗体制更为复杂,在实际运作上也显得缺乏效率。但是,由于各利益集团的博弈,加上绝对自由化的思想,“全民医保”篓篓难以实现。如果奥巴马医改成功,让那没有医疗保险的3200万的美国人拥有医疗保险将是历史性突破。 2、美国医改“降低成本”问题:自由的市场机制使得各个利益团体追求利润最大化,这理所当然是造成美国医疗费用居高不下的原因之一。2008年,美国花费24720亿美元的医疗费用,占GDP的16.2%,到2009年已经上升到了占GDP的17.3%。美国政府卫生支出占财政总支出的比重从1997年至今一直维持在18-20%,政府卫生支出占卫生总费用的比重2007年达到46.2%。随着人口老龄化高潮的到来,医疗费用还将快速增长。据普华永道的研究所的研究分析发现,几乎每一花费在医疗保健的钱有一半是被浪费的。该组织发现,不必要诊疗服务费和价格欺诈要占据2.2万亿全美医疗费用中的一半,即1.2万亿美元。医疗费用上涨,企业的负担就会加重。长此以往,美国工业界的竞争力会明显受到损害。比如造车成本中的医疗保健费用,美国每辆车的制造成本中分摊1200美元的医疗保健费用,日本为600美元,韩国为300美元,我国可能在100美元左右。即使如此,美国国民健康指标却差强人意。人均寿命仅列世界第37位,婴儿死亡率高于其他所有发达国家。由于美国的医疗保险由私人保险公司提供,往往保险费太高,特别是其处于垄断地位,常有“霸王条款”侵犯消费者权益。奥巴马希望通过建立一个称为“公共计划”的国营非盈利性保险机构,通过与私营保险公司展开竞争,将能有效降低保险费。 3、美国医改“削减赤字”问题:美国医疗费用快速上涨是在实施老年人的医疗保险(Medicare)和对穷人的医疗援助(Midicaid)方案以后,先用后付的支付方式显然没有办法控制医疗费用上涨的情况。在1982年《赤字削减法》(Deficit Reduction Act of 1982)的授权下,美国医疗改革于1983年引入的预期支付制度(Prospective Payment System, PPS),这是对美国医疗保障制度有深刻影响的一次支付制度改革。医院诊疗保险中引入预先支付偿还方式和定额化制度并使之法制化,这就是诊断组定额支付制度(DiagnosisRelated Groups,DRG),这种制度根据疾病分类、患者的年龄、有无合并症,将疾病分成467个组,并确定各组医疗费用支付额作为支付报酬。美国自1983年实施DRG后,Medicare住院总费用的增长速度从1983年的18.5%降至1990年5.7%,手术费的增长率从1984年的14.5%降至1992年-6.6%,平均住院天数从1980年的10.4天降至1990年的8.7天, 1995年已缩短到6.7天。 奥巴马并未向公众说清楚将如何在扩大医保覆盖面的同时有效减少医疗开支,至少不增加新的赤字。但是,他表示,将计划采取一系列措施控制并降低医疗费用,如推广电子医疗信息系统;加强疾病预防和慢性病控制;解除药物进口限制;推进医院信息公开等。 总之,民主的代价之一就是妥协,美国的医改肯定不会按照奥巴马的个人意愿进行,其医改方案一次又一次被修改,奥巴马总统在妥协中期望实现他伟大的梦想。 ======================================= 背景:美国"医改"改什么? 2010 年 3月 20日 美国总统奥巴马将医改法案视为他上台后一个最重要的施政方案,为了在周日国会投票前进行最后的拉票,甚至推迟了访问印尼和澳大利亚的行程。这场医改为什么推行起来那么困难,美国为什么需要改革医疗保险? 美国现有的医疗保障系统存在问题首先是成本。美国早在2007年在医疗保障方面的开支就达到 2万2千亿美元,在国民生产总值的16.2%,相当于其它发达国家的两倍。 另一个问题是现有医疗保障的覆盖率。美国政府2008年估计,在全国3亿人口当中,依然有 4630万人口没有得到保障。不过,这个数字包括920万没有公民身份的人,以及1800万年收入超过5万美元的人。 与此同时,还有几百万美国人的医疗保险额不够。 如果那些没有保险、或者保额不够的人不幸病了,他们需要自行支付医疗费用。美国一半的个人破产案例都在相当程度上是高昂的医疗费用所致。 医疗成本的增加,也意味着政府在医疗福利方面的开支不断上升,从而成为导致美国财政赤字的主要因素。 虽然奥巴马一上任就提出雄心勃勃的医疗改革计划,但是由于各方对于应该如何改革以及如何执行没有共识,因此阻力重重。 共和党认为,改革方案会令到医疗保障系统更加官僚化、更加昂贵。好多私人保险公司也担心自己的生意会被政府抢走。 另一方面,由于今年11月美国将举行中期选举,民主党议员也担心投票赞成改革的话,可能会冒犯部分选民。 ====================================== 美医改法案今表决 背景资料:美国医改要改什么? 2010-03-22 被视为美国总统奥巴马任内最重要内政举措的医疗改革,于北京今日正式在众议院进行表决。美国总统奥巴马亲自拉票,前总统克林顿前日更罕有地加入说客阵营。美医改案表决或将取得过半数同意。 广覆盖和低成本意味着,不仅要扩大保险所覆盖的人群,而且要扩大保险所覆盖的医疗项目,同时,还要通过信息化等手段控制美国整体医疗系统螺旋式上升的成本。 奥巴马指出,改革将要建立一个全新的医疗系统,为医生提供良好的专业环境,并以最低的成本为所有美国人提供最好的医疗服务。这样的系统能够减轻企业压力,释放经济活力,创造就业岗位,增加实际工资,并在每年为美国经济带来多达数百亿美元的额外增长,让医疗系统和整体经济更为强健。 目前,奥巴马政府拟定的医改的具体内容包括几个方面。比如,政府应该严格管制商业保险公司的行为,不允许保险公司“撇奶油”——这个词的原意是把牛奶里的奶油撇走,指保险公司总是倾向于把保险卖给健康、年轻和高收入人群,而给年老体弱和低收入人群设置苛刻的条件。奥巴马的医改方案要对这种状况下刀,要求保险公司必须接受所有申请者,而且不能根据申请者的疾病史和疾病状况收取更高的保费,而且,保险方案还提出,要防止保险公司缩小报销的项目,保险公司必须提供联邦政府所确定的“最低受益包”。 而联邦政府应该提供补贴以帮助收入并不高的人购买保险,而对于低收入者,应该有穷人医疗保险的适合人群。 为了压缩老人医疗保险的巨额费用负担,奥巴马提出应该改革支付方式,以按价值付费方式代替传统的按服务项目和服务数量付费方式。 虽然美国的医改似乎找准了一个极好的时机,但是,真正的推进还困难重重,争论还在继续,从6月至今,奥巴马已经在很多场合为其医改新政游说和辩论。而据《纽约时报》的分析,争论的焦点集中在两个:一是这个庞大的医改计划要花多少钱;二是建立一个政府运行的医疗保险项目以覆盖目前所有没有保险的人群,会不会改变美国的“自由市场”价值观。 美国国会预算办公室最早估计这次医改计划要耗资1万亿美元,这不免触动着经济危机中广大纳税人的神经,引起了极大的阻力。因为这意味着雇主将支付更多的保费或者税收的增加。后来计划进行调整,瘦身到2000亿美元,但是,共和党和美国医疗协会的反对者们依然不买账。更大的分歧在于奥巴马的全民医保,将通过建立一个政府运行的医疗保险项目的方式推行,因为这触动了美国“自由市场”的价值理念,也触动了特殊的利益集团,尤其是保险业的利益。而这些将是美国医改推动致命的阻力,而且这也不是当前才有的阻力。 一个最发达的国家花费了最贵的医疗费用却是唯一一个没有实现全民医疗保障的发达国家。 美国虽然是被认为世界上最自由开放的国家,但是美国也是一个价值取向非常明确的国度。出于特定的政治和文化原因,美国对“社会主义”有着神经质一般的恐惧。 比意识形态的作用更加巨大、更加现实的,是特殊利益集团。每个社会群体都可以有自己的正当利益,这不叫做“特殊利益集团”,所谓“特殊利益集团”,是指占人口比例极小、但是对政策的影响力远远大于其占人口规模的集团,利用其政策影响力,极力维护有利于自己而有违于社会福利的政策。 来源:华媒网综合 作者:小禾 |
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Monday, March 15, 2010 - 01:31 am: | | 青木瓜泡茶 痛風不見了 這是真的有效果,用一般綠茶茶葉泡也可以, 我堂哥吃了有效,我也教有痛風的朋友喝(他腳趾關節已變形), 一週後就有很明顯的改善,兩週後就正常了, 事隔有近三年了,沒聽他說有痛過,不過他怕復發,每月都會喝1~3次。 其他的朋友喝了都有解決多年痛風的困擾,沒事也可喝,還不錯喝喔! 好方法喔~~趕快告訴需要的人吧!!!! 不過希望你身邊沒有需要的人(表示你身邊沒有受痛風所苦的人,是好事喔) 中國藥學院--- 賴 教授改良新方式: 將青木瓜切成丁放入水中煮沸後才放入茶葉,泡茶過程和一般茶葉相同。 據實際臨床經驗效果更佳,而且治療尿酸效果更佳(須常期喝) 青木瓜泡茶 台南縣仁德鄉後壁村長劉結慶患胃痛多年,把青木瓜當做茶壺泡茶喝,一個月後竟治癒宿疾,家人尿酸過多喝木瓜泡茶也不藥而癒,劉村長因而種了許多木瓜,送給有病的親友鄉親。 劉村長說,青木瓜最好選擇果實肥短,容量比較大,將木瓜頂部切開,挖出木瓜內的種籽,再開一個小缺口方便倒茶水,另一邊開個小洞透氣,放入茶葉、倒進沸水後蓋回木瓜頂部,並以牙籤固定,泡茶過程和一般茶葉相同。 劉村長表示,茶葉使用一般品質的烏龍茶即可,味道不錯,他當做茶水喝了一個月,困擾多年無法治癒的胃痛居然不藥而癒,自己也感到驚訝,他把木瓜茶葉拿給在醫學中心任職的友人檢驗,證實木瓜酵素有益健康,現在只要果園木瓜有適合的果實,就拿來與親友分享。 種植木瓜多年的農民徐福昌說,本地民眾所指的青木瓜,就是還未成熟、果皮仍呈青綠色的木瓜,一般木瓜要四個月左右才會成熟,但成熟後就沒有療效,青木瓜大約在三個月大左右採收,這時果實較,果實內的「木瓜奶」含有木瓜酵素、木瓜等有益健康成份,不但可泡茶喝,還可以切塊連同排骨熬,或切細絲加蒜頭炒,都非常可口,對人體也沒有不良影響。 ===================================
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Monday, February 15, 2010 - 06:28 pm: | | 《三重》炭烤秋刀魚sanma 香味處處 【特派記者何安華/報導】
春天來到和歌山和三重縣,在觀光區附近不時可看到販售烤秋刀魚的攤子,有些商家還在門口特製的木架上掛著成串的秋刀魚,一方面晾乾水份,同時也招徠顧客;空氣裡更彌漫著炭烤秋刀魚的香味,大老遠就可以聞得到。這種現烤的秋刀魚價廉物美,已然成為一種季節性的地方美食。 一般說來,秋刀魚原屬冷水性迴游魚類,主要棲息在北海道周邊海域,每年入秋,親潮寒流南下時,牠會隨著南下的洋流迴游到紀伊半島東側和北側近海棲息,也成了這兩縣最主要的季節特產。通常秋天剛到的魚含脂肪比較高,味道最美,可直接拿來燒烤,但隨著進入春天,魚體變得消瘦,必需先晾到半乾的程度烤起來味道才美。 秋刀魚除了炭烤之外,這裡也有人拿來作壽司,將魚肉取下在柚子醋中浸過以後,置於米飯上捏成壽司,吃來酸、鮮略帶腥味,口感相當獨特。 【民生報】 ================================================ The Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, is a saury, a member of the family Scomberesocidae. This fish, which is a food source in some East Asian cuisines, is also known by the name mackerel pike. It is known as sanma (サンマ / 秋刀魚) in Japanese, kongchi (꽁치) in Korean, qiu dao yu (秋刀魚) in Chinese, and saira (сайра) in Russian. The term saira used in its scientific name is the fish's local name in the Kii Peninsula region of Japan. The Chinese characters used in the Chinese and Japanese names of the fish (秋刀魚) mean "autumn knife fish," in reference to its body-shape, somewhat resembling a knife, and its peak season. ================================================== home cooking: Sanma-no-shioyaki (Salt-grilled Pacific Saury) November 9th, 2007 by Kyoto Foodie Sanma-no-shioyaki (Salt-grilled Pacific Saury) 秋刀魚の塩焼き
Quick and simple, a 10 minute wonder, fresh sanma is delectable. One of the best preparations of fish in Japanese cuisine is ‘shio yaki.’ shio means salt and yaki means grilled. Fish in Japan is something that is often eaten raw, so you can be sure that generally all fish in Japan is very fresh. So, just a shake of salt and then grilled creates a delicacy that accentuates the fundamental quality of the fish itself. This is usually the approach in Japanese cuisine; accentuate the main event, not create a new flavor with spices, and etc. This is another in our quick and simple posts on home cooking in Kyoto. Also, in the recent post on aozakana, we mention sanma, but didn’t have a good photo of this beautiful and distinctive fish. Here, sanma is grilled, whole with the head and guts intact. Sanma-no-shioyaki is served with grated daikon radish and often a wedge or two of sudachi, a distinctive Japanese citrus that really brings out and accentuates many flavors in Japanese cuisine. After being served, a dash of shoyu is usually splashed on the grated daikon and sudachi is squeezed over the fish. The meat of the sanma is separated from the bones and innards a bite-sized portion at a time. A bit grated daikon is then picked up with the chopsticks, placed atop the fish, then picked up and placed in the mouth. Of course, this can all be done with a fork and knife too. Some Japanese actually eat the guts, but they should definitely be fully cooked. The guts are surely full of nutrition, but they are very bitter and would probably not be to the liking of most Westerners. That’s it! Back home, on the West Coast of the US, we often were able to get fresh sanma. Try this dish out! If you can’t get sudachi, fresh lime and lemon juice, half and half, will do quite nicely too. A note about grilling at home in Japan. Gas ranges in Japan always have a grill the cooks with an open flame from the top. Restaurants such as izakaya often cook many of their grilled dishes over charcoal. So, cooking on a western style barbecue will produce an authentic rendition of this dish. A broiler oven will also do just fine. Sanma (秋刀魚) 秋 autumn, 刀 sword, 魚 fish
sudachi adds such an elegant twist to so many Japanese dishes
all the fixins
sanma cooking in the ubiquitous household fish grill
sanma served
sanma-no-shioyaki – how to eat
sanma-no-shioyaki – how to eat
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Saturday, January 09, 2010 - 02:16 pm: | | 萝卜焖牛腩 为左将我阿爹30几年的入厨功力在COPO上发扬光大~ 我一手拿相机,一手拿笔记,一一记录低~请大家多多支持!提提意见! 撑厨人:勋仔记 摄影:池家长女 今日先做阿爹学的拿手正菜“萝卜焖牛腩” 材料:牛腩2斤 白萝卜半根 姜、蒜头、青红辣椒、青蒜丁香、花椒(各少许) 香料(卤水料):八角、沙姜、甘草、香叶、桂皮、果皮、草果、茴香、 调料:柱候酱、盐、红糖、冰糖、胡椒粉、麻油、生抽、老抽、米酒(适量) 过程: 1、先准备卤水料:将香料放入锅加水烧开,转小火(熬30分钟) 2、将牛腩洗净,烧开水烫熟变硬(飞水)。 3、过冷水,在水中用力揉搓,将微粒洗净,切件,再次在水中用力揉搓,(去骚味) 4、开锅,不放油将牛腩炒至干身(小小粘锅就好) 5、起锅,下油、姜、蒜头爆炒,下干身的牛腩爆炒,下柱候酱、米酒、红糖、冰糖、之前准备的卤水、生抽、老 抽、胡椒粉、麻油炒匀。 6、加水,(浸过肉面)待烧开,入压力锅,烧开转小火(焖15分钟) 7、白萝卜凉水下锅(不然会苦),烧开放盐(煮至喜欢的程度) 8、再开锅,爆青蒜,下焖好的牛腩、煮好的萝卜炒匀,下盐调味。即可! 小Tips: A:因牛腩比较肥腻,尽量少放油~而阿爹就喜欢加入各种菌茹吸收油份,答配起来口感不错的~ B:萝卜最好分开煮,食多小就加多少,因一起煮的会易变质,不能放太久,放在雪柜第二天吃会更入味!<!-->
起锅,下油、姜、蒜头爆炒,下干身的牛腩爆炒~ 下调味:柱候酱、米酒、红糖、冰糖、之前准备的卤水、生抽、老 抽、胡椒粉
萝卜焖牛腩 |
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Monday, August 03, 2009 - 03:16 pm: | |
鼠疫由鼠疫杆菌引起,由带病菌的跳蚤叮咬传染给人类。 鼠疫到底有多可怕? 2009年08月03日 青海省发生的鼠疫疫情将人们的目光再次聚集到“鼠疫”这个古老而可怕的疫病上。 提起鼠疫,很多人想到中世纪夺去数千万人生命的“黑死病”,尤其是14世纪爆发的疫情导致1/3的欧洲人口死亡。 鼠疫由鼠疫杆菌引起(又称耶尔森氏菌),通常在特定地区的啮齿类动物间传播,由带病毒的跳蚤叮咬传染给人类则是致命的。 最常见的鼠疫是腺鼠疫、又称淋巴腺鼠疫,最致命的则是肺鼠疫,通过空气和感染者的飞沫人传人,青海省发生的鼠疫属于后者。 北京疾病预防控制中心副主任贺雄对BBC中文网说:“鼠疫是一种烈性传染病,这是肯定的。但是从地域环境来讲,这次鼠疫发生在人烟稀少地区,所以对外界来讲相对来说不那么严重。” 中国官方媒体报道,发生疫情的子科滩镇及周边地区已经被紧急封城隔离,以免疫情蔓延。 贺雄说:“遇到这种情况采取的措施要相对过严,甚至有点矫枉过正。因为这些人活动的区域通过回忆来调查的话可能会出现遗漏,只有通过相对严格的措施进行观察后再逐步解除,实际情况并非有那么严重。” 那么,为什么不能消灭鼠疫?鼠疫能被治愈吗? 利物浦大学教授贝贡说:“只有消灭所有鼠类才能消灭鼠疫,而这是不可能做到的。” 贺雄也说,与天花、脊髓灰质炎、麻疹这些人类间感染的病毒不同,鼠疫是人与动物共患的疾病,要消灭它是不可能的,只能提高意识,尽可能地去避免感染的机会。 世界卫生组织说,每年会发生1000例到3000例鼠疫疫病,2003年导致182人死亡。 感染鼠疫者如果得不到及时治疗其死亡率为30%至60%, 世界卫生组织说“快速诊断和治疗是关键所在”。 如果感染者得到及时诊断和治疗,几乎所有的患者都可以通过使用抗生素治愈。 科学家们提醒说,很多鼠疫病毒已产生抗药性,不断发生变化,因此鼠疫的研究工作需要不断跟进。 =================================== Is plague still a killer? Tuesday, 20 January 2009 WHO, WHAT, WHY? The Magazine answers... Reports that "black death" has swept through an al-Qaeda camp in north Africa, killing dozens of trainees, are unproven, but the story highlights how plague has never been wiped out. One of the "oldest identifiable diseases known to man", according to the World Health Organization (WHO), plague tends to be associated in the developed world with the Middle Ages. The most notorious pandemic, during the 14th Century, wiped out about a third of the population of Europe. Caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, plague is primarily a disease of wild rodents that is spread by their fleas. It can be transmitted to humans by flea bites or contact with animals infected with the bacterium. "There are diseases circulating like this in the world's rodents, and in many cases having very little impact on them," says Mike Begon, professor of ecology at the University of Liverpool. "You could only get rid of plague if you got rid of all the rodents, and you are never going to do that." THE ANSWER A few hundred deaths a year Pneumonic plague can kill within 24 hours Almost all cases curable if diagnosed in time But Professor Begon adds: "When diseases can jump the species barrier to infect humans they can have a devastating effect." As well as the medieval pandemic which led to the name "black death", because of victims' blackened skin, there have been two other worldwide outbreaks in the 6th Century and as recently as the second half of the 19th Century. WHO still reports between 1,000 and 3,000 cases of plague every year; its figures show 182 deaths from the disease in 2003. The organisation says plague remains endemic - present in a community at all times, but occurring in low frequency - in many countries in Africa, in the former Soviet Union, the Americas - including parts of the US - and Asia. "There is this presumption that it is confined to history, but certainly that's not the case," says Professor Begon. Plague can be fatal to humans left untreated in 30 to 60% of cases, and WHO says "rapid diagnosis and treatment is essential". If diagnosed in time, almost all plague patients can be cured with treatment including antibiotics. Symptoms The sudden onset of flu-like symptoms is usually the first sign of the disease, including fever, chills, head and body-aches and weakness, vomiting and nausea. The most common form of the disease, bubonic plague, usually causes swelling and tenderness in the lymph gland in the neck. The disease's least common but most deadly form, pneumonic plague, can be inhaled and transmitted between humans without involvement of animals or fleas. WHO, WHAT, WHY? Question mark floor plan of BBC Television Centre A regular part of the BBC News Magazine, Who, What, Why? aims to answer some of the questions behind the headlines Pneumonic plague involves infection of the lungs, causing a severe respiratory illness with symptoms including coughing up blood and breathing difficulty. "It's about how fast you can get to it. If you can recognise it fast enough you can contain it," says Philippa Strong, a PhD student at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Suspected sufferers should be hospitalised and medically isolated, and testing should be carried out on people who have been in close contact with them. Miss Strong warns that research must continue into the plague bacterium, which could develop resistance to current treatments. "You ignore these things, think they are going away, then they become a problem again," she says. "It's a case of 'know your enemy'. We need to carry on researching it. If we can understand more about the bacterium, we will find other ways to treat it."
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 - 03:04 pm: | | What is a Memory Card Reader? A memory card reader is a device that can read flash memory cards and transfer their contents to a computer. Flash memory cards come in various types and formats, providing removable storage for digital equipment like camcorders, cameras, MP3 players and cell phones. There are single memory card readers and multiple memory card readers. The former can only read a single memorycard type, while the latter can read a variety of memory card formats. Minus a memory card reader, one has to directly connect the physical device that uses memory cards to the computer. This is usually done via a Universal Serial Bus (USB) or Firewire cable. The advantage of a memory card reader is that memory cards can be read directly on the computer without attaching the device. This greatly simplifies using, storing and organizing memory cards. It also saves batteries and wear-and-tear on the camcorder or other digital device. It is common for people to own more than one device that uses flash memory cards, with each device using a different type of card. A multiple memory card reader will accept a variety of formats making it useful for all of your memory card needs. These readers commonly feature two or more slots to accept different sized cards. Some memory card readers are extremely compact, barely larger than the memory cards they read. These plug directly into the USB port, about the size of a memory stick. Others are designed to be internally installed into a free bay on desktop computers, with an array of choices between these two models. One advantage of the external model is that it is portable, able to be used with multiple computers and/or laptops in the household. Many newer computers have a memory card reader built-in by default, including many laptops and notebooks. Printers and even some monitors also have a memory card reader built-in. If you have been thinking about replacing an aging desktop, laptop, printer or monitor, you might look into these options first. When buying a memory card reader be sure it supports the type of card(s) required. This includes the card's capacity in addition to the format. Some models might not read flash memory cards larger than one gigabyte, for example. Bear in mind too that a more flexible memory card reader that supports additional formats might make the device a little more future proof in the event you acquire more digital devices later, or replace the ones you already own. Memory card readers are extremely affordable, ranging from under $10 US Dollars (USD) to $50 or more. They can be found at many online retailers and local suppliers of computers and digital equipment. =================================== What is a Memory Card? Memory cards are one option for the storage of various types of electronic data. Sometimes referred to as a flash memory card, the standard memory card is capable of storing a wide range of data files, such as audio and video clips, images, and text documents. In general, the memory card makes use of flash memory in order to maintain the integrity of the files loaded onto the card, but there is research into other possible means as well. The main function of flash memory cards is to provide a simple method of data storage without a great deal of trouble. In general, any type of memory card will include a high amount of capacity, which makes it ideal for storing larger data files. The storage card has many different variations on the market today, with some of them being somewhat specialized in application and the type of data that can be stored in the memory of the card. Among the different types of memory card devices available today are the secure digital card, memory stick, multimedia cards, and the SmartMedia card. In actual configuration, just about any memory card will employ the use of nonvolatile memory. Essentially, this means that the data stored on the device will be stable, and is not subject to corruption or loss in the event of a power failure. There is also no need to refresh the stored data from time to time, as it will remain intact. There are no moving parts associated with the memory card, which helps to minimize the chances of a malfunction of the device. While the storage capacity of the device was always compared favorably to the total capacity on a standard computer hard drive, the amount of memory found on the memory cards of today is truly impressive. In order to accommodate varying consumer needs, different variations of the memory card will feature a range of capacities. Generally, more memory or capacity available on a given card will mean a higher price tag. However, many of the lower priced units have enough data storage capacity to accommodate personal usage, making it relatively affordable for any home computer user to also afford a memory card. =================================== What is Flash Memory? Flash memory refers to a particular type of EEPROM, or Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. It is a memory chip that maintains stored information without requiring a power source. Flash memory differs from EEPROM in that EEPROM erases its content one byte at a time. This makes it slow to update. Flash memory can erase its data in entire blocks, making it a preferable technology for applications that require frequent updating of large amounts of data as in the case of a memory stick. Inside the flash chip, information is stored in cells. A floating gate protects the data written in each cell. Tunneling electrons pass through a low conductive material to change the electronic charge of the gate in "a flash," clearing the cell of its contents so that it can be rewritten. This is how flash memory gets its name. Flash memory is very useful in a variety of applications including: * Your computer BIOS * Memory sticks * PCMCIA memory cards * MP3 players * Modems * Video game cards * Digital cellular phones * Digital cameras Flash memory used as a hard drive has many advantages over a traditional hard drive. It's nonvolatile or solid state, meaning there are no moving parts. It's also silent, much smaller than a traditional hard drive, and highly portable with a much faster access time. However, the advantages of a traditional hard drive are price and capacity. Hard drives are many times larger for a price that is many times smaller, comparatively speaking, megabyte for megabyte. That said, the price of flash memory continues to drop as capacity continues to rise, making it a prize candidate for an ever-broadening set of applications. Note: Flash memory is not the same thing as flash RAM (Random Access Memory). Flash RAM, like any type of RAM in your computer, requires a continual power source to maintain its contents. ============================================ What is Removable Storage? Removable storage, in computing terms, is any form of data storage which is not incorporated into the computer itself. In addition to providing a form of backup by removing data from a centralized computer system, removable storage is also much more portable than an entire computer, allowing people to easily carry data back and forth from a wide variety of locations. It takes many forms, running the gamut from primitive punch cards to memory sticks, and the capacity varies widely depending on the type of removable storage and how old it is. In earlier days of computer, punch cards and magnetic tape were the operating methods of removable storage. Punch cards have been used to store data for centuries, but were especially well suited to computing because they lent themselves well to storing data in a binary form. Magnetic tape was the next step from punch cards, allowing computer users to store more data on a more quickly written medium. Ironically, punch cards are actually a more stable form of removable storage than magnetic tape, which can easily be corrupted. As computers became more widespread, floppy disks and compact discs (CDs) became a more widely used form of removable storage. Both had larger capacities than earlier methods, and companies constantly struggled to manufacture disks with a larger capacity as computers generated files of ever greater size. While earlier compact storage was measured in kilobytes, later forms were able to store much larger files: most CDs, for example, can store data measured in megabytes. Another form of compact storage takes the form of removable hard drives and flash drives. Flash drives are also known as memory sticks or USB sticks. Both types of removable storage can store gigabytes of data, and can be written to very quickly through a Universal Serial Bus (USB) port. Some manufacturers make removable hard drives which can connect to FireWire, Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), or parallel ports, although the majority take advantage of USB technology. The wide range of options in the field of removable storage allows users to select the technology which works best for them. Disks are very useful for temporary storage, or sending data to other locations, and are frequently used by graphic designers to literally mail large files, rather than attempt to transfer very large files over an Internet connection. Many companies also use disks for backup, although this practice has been called into question due to the long-term instability of these storage methods. Many consumers prefer removable hard drives or flash drives for the rapid exchange of data between multiple computers, and the easy portability: many flash drives, for example, can fit on a keychain. ======================================== What is FireWire? FireWire is the brand name for the IEEE 1394 High Speed Serial Bus developed and marketed by Apple, Inc. The idea of FireWire was first conceived in the 1980’s. Developments in technology through the early 1990’s led to the official introduction of the device in 1995. The research that led to the development of FireWire included the involvement of a number of well-known electronics and technology based firms. Along with major contributions made by Apple, such companies as IBM, Sony, and Texas Instruments also were actively involved in the work group that developed the end product. Work on the device continued for several years before being introduced to the public. FireWire is now firmly established in the industry, and is utilized with a number of products. One of the first applications was to add a FireWire port to digital camcorders. This enhancement helped to increase the quality of uploading captured images and video to computer systems and desktops. Today, this application of FireWire is considered standard. While FireWire is the brand name utilized for the Apple product, Sony has also introduced a similar type of USB or universal serial bus under the brand name of i.LINK. As the application began to move beyond use with camcorders and into other forms of electronic data transfer, both products have continued to go under enhancements that make the use of the device more versatile than ever. Today, the use of FireWire and i.LINK are found with many different devices. Digital video cameras are a common example. Many of the temporary data storage devices like the jump drive use FireWire technology for rapid uploading, storage, and eventual transfer of all sorts of data and media. The fact that FireWire does not have to utilize a computer system in order to capture and store data make it especially effective for people on the go. For example, images captured on a digital camera today can be downloaded directly to a printer, with no need to use a laptop or desktop computer as a connecting device to process the printing of the images. |
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Friday, June 05, 2009 - 12:21 pm: | |; 癌症第四有效療法:免疫系統 美聯社佛羅里達州奧蘭多31日電 June 01, 2009 12:00 AM 癌症的療法包括開刀、化療和放療,現在醫生克服了30年的錯誤,研發了第四種成功療法,即使用身體的天然防衛者:免疫系統。這種方式雖然是用來治療癌症,不是預防,仍然被稱為一種癌症疫苗。 在奧蘭多舉行的美國臨床腫瘤學協會年會中,研究人員說,由國家癌症所(NCI)研發的一種疫苗,能使普通的濾泡性淋巴癌(follicular lymphoma)有效受到抑制的時間超過一年,這在癌症醫學界是重大的成功。此外,攝護腺癌(Prostate cancer)、致命的黑色素瘤(melanoma),和經常使兒童致命的神經母細胞瘤(neuroblastoma)的疫苗,最近數周在最後階段的試驗中,也有正面的結果。不過這些疫苗的效果和經濟效益仍需進一步觀察和研究。 德州大學安德森癌症中心黑色素瘤主任派垂克‧胡 (Patrick Hwu,譯音)說,讓免疫系統把癌看為一種威脅很困難,流感或小兒麻痺症病毒很容易被免疫系統找到,因為它們看來與人類細胞不同,但癌症是來自人體自己的細胞,免疫系統無法分辨正常細胞與癌細胞。為解決此問題,許多癌症疫苗是從一個癌症細胞的表面,取出一種物質,附加在免疫系統已視為的外來物的身體組織上面,從而使免疫系統能辨別癌細胞。在淋巴癌的例子中,是一種貝蛋白(shellfish protein),為了使免疫系統的攻擊力達到最強,醫生也增加了一種物質,使免疫系統保持高度警覺。 賓州大學醫院的舒斯特對濾泡性淋巴癌的實驗疫苗BiovaxID進行試驗,參加試驗的病人必須在接受一般化療後,癌症至少六個月沒有復發,研發人員對41名病人給予貝蛋白和增強其免疫系統,給另外76名病人再加上疫苗,經過近五年的追蹤後,發現疫苗組病人其癌症在44個月後才惡化,其他人在30個月後癌症惡化。 NCI研發的神經母細胞瘤疫苗也大獲成功,在對226名病人做的研究中,接受疫苗者有86%在兩年後仍然存活,未接受疫苗者只有75%存活。這項結果由臨床腫瘤學協會在兩周前公布。 NCI 研發的黑色素瘤疫苗成效不大,它使接受疫苗者癌症復發的時間延長為三個月,未接受疫苗者只有一個半月。上個月公布的一項研究顯示,攝護腺癌疫苗 Provenge可使末期患者的存活延長四個月,該疫苗製造商Dendreon正在尋求聯邦食品暨藥物管理局(FDA)的批准。
Tlim (Tlim) Username: Tlim
Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Sunday, January 21, 2007 - 08:46 pm: | |
Well there's at least one NFL team from a city that we have family in going to the Super Bowl...none other than Da Bearss |
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 12:38 pm: | |
從雅典到希腊神話到此場比賽,联想力强和貼切之比擬,叫令讀後難忘稱絕。 老将因扎吉梅开二度 米兰雅典七度封王 (2007-05-24) 希腊神话源远流长,但是在雅典,这个神话王国首都,利物浦无法重演两年前的伊斯坦布尔传奇。 AC米兰以刻上欧冠赛历史册上的2比1最后成绩,告诉利物浦,神话、传奇只会出现一次,两年前伊斯坦布尔那夜的天方夜谭如果今晨在雅典重现,就是翻版,不是原创。 两年前叫米兰人歇斯底里又伤心欲绝的伊斯坦布尔之夜,意大利人刻骨铭心的牢记着。当红军在半场结束前的关键时刻城门失守,82分钟在一片反扑呐喊声中再次沦陷,米兰人知道在对手断气之前,紧扼红军喉咙的双手绝对不能放松。 贝尼特斯(Benitez)保守心态再一次体现在今晨的决赛上,落后一球时用丘威尔(Kewell)换下岑登(Zenden ),用克劳奇(Crouch)取代马斯切拉诺(Mascherano),看到了西班牙籍主帅收复失地的诚意,但是当球队落后两球时却用后卫换后卫,让阿韦洛亚(Arbeloa)替代芬南(Finnan)就叫人无法理解他调兵遣将的用意。 输一球,输两球甚至输三球都改变不了战局也变动不了历史,贝帅在这最后几分钟的比赛仍然耿耿于怀自己的防线有点匪夷所思。 AC米兰今晨的表现不似两年前般的狂傲不羁,这次他们学会如何在缠绵中消磨顽强的敌人,掌握对手不慎露出的空门给予致命的一击。 3年前的欧锦赛,希腊在世人一片哗然声中谱写一篇又一篇的神话,拿下了这个欧洲人的世界杯,以效率足球将所谓的欧洲足球强国一一击败。 AC米兰今晨在雅典以很希腊人的形式,登上了欧洲球会的最高奖台,全场只有7次攻门,3次命中,却有两次完成使命,这相对于红军的17次攻门,4次打在门框内,却只有一次修成正果,体现出来的是米兰人的效率与利物浦人的挥霍。 因扎吉(Inzaghi)半场结束前的那个进球偶然中存在更多的侥幸,皮尔诺(Pirlo)的任意球打在这名33岁前锋的肩上,折射入网,雷纳(Reina)即使扑救点球再神乎其技,也爱莫能助。 下半场,因扎吉用很偷鸡的方式,宣布红军死亡,皮尔洛与卡卡(Kaka)的配合让因扎吉反越位成功,攻入了个人今晨的第二个进球。 82分钟的比赛后落后两球,红军只能等待两年前的奇迹,但是碰过鬼的米兰拒绝再走黑路,他们学会如何在对手的穷追猛打中披头散发而不是周旋在悠闲舞步。 荷兰籍前锋库伊特(Kuyt)在89分钟的头球破门只是掀起安切诺蒂阵营内短短几分钟的恐慌,没有促成米兰人两年前一失足成千古恨的遗憾。 历史上第7度举起欧冠奖杯后,这个赛季对AC米兰来说悲壮却不悲剧;操纵球赛成绩导致他们在球季开始前先被扣分,造就了国米在意甲联赛的独大,但是安切诺蒂(Ancelotti)的黑红大军却以比国米更惊艳的欧冠奖杯结束这多事之秋的一个赛季。 或许当利物浦淘汰了巴塞罗那与切尔西这两个更叫人惧怕的名字时,安切诺蒂就已经知道,2007年的欧冠奖杯,再将一次刻上AC米兰的名字!
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, June 19, 2007 - 09:39 pm: | | 邓亚萍:很想替运动员说说话 日期:2007-06-20 作者:张菁菁 来源:东方早报 王燕的意外受伤不仅再次让人们意识到竞技体育的高风险,也让运动员的伤残和退役后的生活保障问题成为现在最为关注的焦点问题,“专业竞技体育对人体健康在某种程度上是种摧残”,在前世界乒乓球冠军邓亚萍的眼中,退役运动员的安置工作关系到竞技体育人才是否出现危机的大问题。 邓亚萍说:“关于运动员的安置问题不是现在才有的,而是存在已久。曾夺得女子技巧世锦赛冠军的刘菲,2000年退役后几年都没有正式工作,她表示过后悔走上体育这条路,‘我怎么也没想到,我退役的那天就是我艰难生活的开始。没有房子住,没有工作干,没有基本的生活费,甚至连户口都不知道该放到哪里。’辽宁省前亚运会男子举重冠军才力,因睡眠呼吸暂停综合征,2003年6月去世。当时才力退役后一身伤病没钱医治,正式工作是辽宁省体育运动技术学院保卫处的门卫。女子柔道奥运冠军高凤莲甚至要拍卖自己的奥运会金牌来获得相应的生活费用。邹春兰当搓澡工、艾冬梅打官司的事情刚刚发生在我们的身边,请大家对这些为我们国家取得荣誉的人多些关心、多些关注。” 其实早在2003年,时任全国政协委员的邓亚萍就曾经提交过一份题为《关于切实采取措施,做好退役运动员安置工作的建议》的提案,那份提案是她“磨”了8天,与许多委员反复讨论、修改的结晶,在那份提案上,14名委员郑重签下了自己的名字,希望国家采取措施做好退役运动员的安置工作。 邓亚萍表示大多数人只看到运动员辉煌的一面,却不了解他们的苦处。运动员待遇很高这种印象其实很片面,人们看到的体育明星仅仅是少数几个,百分之九十以上的运动员和教练员的待遇不够高,“我很想替运动员说说话。”根据调查,我国很多退役运动员长期安置不出去,有的虽然已经安置但很快又下岗、失业,安置效果很差。“谁也无法保证能稳拿世界冠军,100个专业运动员中可能99个都成不了世界冠军,如果大家都怕风险,担心出路,独生子女的家长就不会愿意将孩子送进专业队,竞技体育就很有可能出现人才危机。” 对于运动员保障的具体措施,邓亚萍也有自己的建议,包括建立退役运动员就业培训制度,财政部门列出专项的培训费,硬性规定运动员退役前取得一项《职业资格证书》,这样即使退役,运动员也能有一技之长在社会上生存;而对于伤残运动员的安置,邓亚萍希望能从体育彩票公益金和竞技体育的收入中划出专款,解决伤残运动员终身基本生活费和医疗保险问题。 **************************** 从"今天还能吃什么"到"中国食品威胁论" 透视中国 江迅 有上海人如此戏称餐桌上的烦恼:早晨,剥一只"红心鸭蛋"伴泡饭,外加几片"瘦肉精"猪肉制成的火腿肠;中午,蒸一条"嗑过药"的多宝鱼,凉拌一盆致病福寿螺;晚上简单点,煮一碗"吊白块"龙口粉丝汤。 "红心鸭蛋",即喂养鸭子的饲料里有一种"工业染料油荣红",含四成七的苏丹红,国际癌症研究机构将它列为第三类致癌物。吃了"瘦肉精"的猪,肌肉发达,但有毒副作用。"嗑过药"的多宝鱼身上有氯霉素、红霉素、孔雀石绿等违禁药物残留。福寿螺带有致脑膜炎的"广州管圆揽虫"。 "吊白块"粉丝含有有毒工业漂白剂。简单一句话,那上海人一天吃的都有"毒"。 北京的单身白领,当下出现"拖油瓶族"。单身白领几乎每餐饭都在外吃,他们中不少人带着油瓶上饭店,直接走进厨房,吩咐厨师用自己带来的油炒菜。这些白领虽然自带炒菜的油,对餐牌上标的菜价一分不会少付。他们担心的是饭店用的油来路不明。据回收废弃食用油脂的专业公司披露,近年每年至少有上千吨废弃食用油不知去向。据媒体披露,常有外来务工者在一些饭店后门的窨井,用管子吸走地沟油,而后加工成"食用油",廉价返销饭店使用。 中国有句老话:国以民为本,民以食为天。今天的吃喝,真是一步一惊心。吃牛肉,担心疯牛症;吃鸡肉,担心禽流感;吃西瓜,担心注射过红药水;吃大米,担心用石蜡加工;吃腐乳,担心加入工业颜料;吃木耳,担心用硫磺熏制;吃蔬菜,担心农药残留。用色素醋酸勾兑的食醋,用工业双氧水漂白的开心果,用石蜡增硬的火锅底料。还有掺了牛尿的牛奶,据说牛尿能延长牛奶保鲜期。当今社会,人们身边还有什么食品是安全的?问题食品,可谓风声鹤唳。 公众对食品安全问题的重视,反映了人们对生活质量的高要求,反映了人们对生命健康的认同。"问题食品"尚是相当文雅的称呼,在大众流行语中,称之为"毒某某"、"黑心某某"。对于"问题食品",几乎人人是"零容忍"心态。人们纷纷发出振聋发聩的呼吁:今天我们还能吃什么?建立无漏洞的食品安全制度确实迫在眉睫。对问题食品不能心慈手软。5月1日,国家商务部发布的《流通领域食品安全管理办法》开始实施。对这一"办法",有读者就显得不那么"明白":对"问题食品"为什么只是轻飘飘一句"应当立即停止销售",就等着人家"改正";对"逾期不改正"的"问题食品","最高罚3万元"人民币,是否罚得太少,罚了后仍不撤离市场又怎么办? 有漏洞的制度 中国有食品安全制度,但相对于欧美、日本,甚至香港的食品安全制度,却无疑是有漏洞的。中国在食品出口和国内供应方面,采取两套标准是不明智的。商家为追求利益而做手脚的事,欧洲也有所闻,葡萄酒原料掺假,出售疯牛症牛肉,但他们有一套严格的食品安全制度,食物从农庄田地进入家庭冰箱,整个过程有一个部门,即健康与消费者权益保护部监控,负责立法、卫生检疫和执法。中国却部门分类太多,效率低下,漏洞百出。日本的食品可追溯系统相当先进,生产程序各环节都有详细记录,消费者用手机上网,能追踪食品由生产商到零售商的各流程运作。 当然中国国情特殊,有2000多万家食品加工企业,其中中小企业占2/3,为企业提供生产原料的农民、小作坊的生产质量难以监管。媒体揭露食品安全问题,完全是理所当然的事,但今天是否真的到了"今天我们还能吃什么"的感叹。中国人的健康越来越好,寿命越来越长却是事实。根据国家卫生部每年一次全国范围抽查数据显示,中国食品总体合格率,30年前是50%,逐年提高,如今是90%,这里不是有误区吗? 在媒体渲染下,苏丹红等同砒霜,似乎吃了后便会中毒身亡。专家一再说,要接连吃1000只含苏丹红的蛋才会中毒。据世界卫生组织国际癌症研究中心的报告,致癌物分为三级,一级为人类致癌物,二级为可疑人类致癌物,三级为动物致癌物,苏丹红属于三级,一般人即使食用含苏丹红的蛋也远未达到致癌程度。中国食品安全领域权威陈君石认为,苏丹红是工业染料,原本就不允许在食品中应用的,苏丹红事件本质上不是食品安全问题,而是假冒伪劣问题。这一解释未免牵强,正是假冒伪劣而引出食品安全。 其实,高温油炸食品的风险远高于苏丹红。上海市食品药品监督所副所长李洁的话值得人们思索:目前检出的食品中含有苏丹红含量一般仅为几毫克/公斤,人体即使摄入,最大的可能摄入量也只有苏丹红诱发动物肿瘤剂量的10万到100万分之一,而油炸食品如油炸薯片、薯条、烧烤食品等产生的丙烯酰胺含量,人体最大的可能摄入量是诱发动物致癌剂量的几千分之一。陈君石的观点却有道理:世上没有零风险食品,坐飞机、坐火车都有风险,消费者能接受,但食品安全方面却一点风险都不接受,这并不科学。关键是要把食品中对人体有害的那些污染物,控制在一个极其微量的可接受水平。当然,人们也应该构筑食品安全"防火墙":不吃半生不熟的食品,不吃稀奇古怪的食物,不吃街头摊贩卖的食品,不吃明令禁止的食物。低价离谱的,不买;色香味过分的,不买;强制搭配的,不买;假冒名牌,不买。 正当国人为食品安全问题担忧之际,美国掀起了"中国食品威胁论"波澜。美国食品和药品管理局扣留了从中国进口的107种食品,而2007年4个月内已拒绝中国298次船运食品入境,中国宠物食品成分污染的新闻,更是美国媒体热炒的话题。中国的食品安全确实存在问题,但当下美国掀起的"中国食品威胁论"却又是另一个"问题"。此"问题"与那"问题"不能混淆。美国食品和药品管理局扣留的非法食品,绝大多数是因为标签不合格,真正影响消费者健康的有毒有害食品非常少。中国是消费品生产和出口大国。中国出口的消费品,至少五成属于手加工贸易,产品设计、原材料、生产工艺和产品安全检测,是按设计商、进口商的合同要求落实的。由于设计商和进口商没能向生产商提供准确的消费品安全信息,令中国生产企业产品不符合进口国安全要求的情况时有发生。中国商人应该学聪明了。媒体报道说,山东截获300吨重金属含量超标的美国鱿鱼,据悉美国进口的"问题食品"也会陆续公布,那美国食品不也在威胁中国人的生命吗?
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 - 01:16 pm: | | 螃蟹千万别跟柿子同吃 2007-10-17北京娱乐信报 秋季,菊香蟹肥,正是人们品尝螃蟹的最好时光。螃蟹营养价值十分丰富,蛋白质的含量比猪肉、鱼肉都要高出几倍,钙、磷、铁和维生素A的含量也较高。但并非所有的螃蟹都是美味佳肴,因此在吃螃蟹时,一定要讲究正确的方法,警惕中毒。 重点提醒1 三类螃蟹千万别吃 螃蟹肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,是上等的名贵水产,也是许多市民喜欢的美味佳肴。虽然螃蟹和鱼同样都属于水产品,但由于吃螃蟹中毒打点滴的事却屡见不鲜。为什么都是水产品,也都经过高温蒸煮,吃螃蟹就容易出现中毒呢?对此,海淀区卫生局卫生监督所的韩主任解释说,“这是因为吃了不新鲜和未煮熟,特别是死了的螃蟹而造成的。” 死螃蟹体内含存大量毒素 虽然螃蟹和鱼一样生活在水中,但螃蟹喜欢吃水中死鱼、死虾等腐败的动物尸体,因此在螃蟹体内就富集了大量的细菌。尤其是河蟹,大多生长在污浊的河塘,蟹体内外有大量的病菌。而当螃蟹一旦垂死或死亡后,螃蟹体内的组氧酸会分解产生组胺,而组胺是一种有毒的物质。随着死亡时间的延长,蟹体积累的组胺就会越来越多,因此毒气也就会越来越大,即使这个时候螃蟹被煮熟了,但它体内的这种毒素也不易被破坏。因此若人们吃了这样的螃蟹自然就会引起食物中毒。 不熟螃蟹易感染肺吸虫病 除了死螃蟹含有毒素外,不新鲜和未煮熟的螃蟹也是导致食用中毒的杀手。韩主任表示,这是因为螃蟹生长在江河湖泊里,又喜食小生物、水草及腐烂动物,蟹的体表、鳃部和胃肠道均沾满了细菌、病毒等致病微生物。如果是生吃、腌吃或醉吃螃蟹,可能会被感染一种名为肺吸虫病的慢性寄生虫病。 活蟹体内的肺吸虫幼虫囊蚴感染率和感染度是很高的,肺吸虫寄生在肺里,刺激或破坏肺组织,能引起咳嗽,甚至咳血,如果侵入脑部,则会引起瘫痪。据专家考证,把螃蟹稍加热后就吃,肺吸虫感染率为20%。吃腌蟹和醉蟹,肺吸虫感染率高达55%。而生吃蟹,肺吸虫感染率高达71%。肺吸虫囊蚴的抵抗力很强,一般要在55℃的水中泡30分钟或20%盐水中腌48小时才能杀死。生吃螃蟹,还可能引发肠道发炎、水肿及充血等症状。 存放过久熟蟹易被细菌污染 此外,许多人都由于害怕螃蟹死了就不能吃了,就会把螃蟹一次性都煮熟了,然后再存放起来,以为这样就不会有问题了。但其实,存放过久的熟蟹仍然是易中毒的大杀手。这是因为,熟蟹也极易被细菌污染,因此螃蟹宜现烧现吃,不要存放。如果一次吃不完,剩下的要保存在干净、阴凉通风的地方或冰箱内,并与其他食物分开,吃时必须回锅再煮熟蒸透。 重点提醒2 吃蟹安全讲究很多 除了这三类螃蟹吃了容易中毒外,在吃螃蟹的方法上也有很多讲究。韩主任表示,吃螃蟹如果不分优劣乱嚼一气,或者与食物搭配不当,也能引起食物中毒。 螃蟹四器官必须摘除 虽然螃蟹肉嫩味美,但其身上并不是所有的部位都能够食用,有的一些部位就是没有必要吃的,如蟹胃(在蟹壳内前缘中央似三角形的骨质小包)、蟹肠(即由蟹胃通到蟹脐的一条黑线)、蟹心(俗称六角板)、蟹腮(腹部为眉毛状的两排软绵绵的东西)。这4种器官中,细菌和有害物质最多,吃的时候一定要摘除。 六种食物不能与蟹同食 此外,吃螃蟹时,还要注意和一些食物分开,不能在一起食用。韩主任表示,吃螃蟹时最忌和柿子一起食用。这是因为柿子中的鞣酸等成分会使蟹肉蛋白凝固,以至于这些物质长时间留在肠道内会发酵腐败,可能会引起呕吐、腹痛、腹泻等反应,所以吃螃蟹时尽量避免与柿子同食。 除了柿子外,吃螃蟹还尽量不要和以下食品一起食用。 梨:由于梨性寒凉,蟹亦冷利,二者同食,伤人肠胃。 花生:花生为油腻之物,蟹味咸性寒,微毒,为冷利之物,两者同食易导致腹泻。 泥鳅:泥鳅药性温补,蟹药性冷利,功能正好相反,同食不利于人体健康。 石榴:蟹含有丰富的蛋白质,石榴含鞣酸较多,两者同食降低蛋白质原有的营养价值。 猕猴桃:猕猴桃中的维生素C与蟹中含有的五价砷的化合物,会产生强烈的化学反应,长期食用,可导致痉挛、反胃症状。 感冒发烧不能吃螃蟹 对于吃螃蟹的人群,韩主任也表示,并不是所有的人都是可以吃螃蟹的。 一来螃蟹中胆固醇含量较高,所以小儿、孕妇和患有某些疾病的人不宜过多食用,如发热、腹泻、十二指肠溃疡、胆囊炎、胆结石症、肝炎活动期的人。 二来螃蟹肉性寒,不可吃得过多。尤其是脾胃虚寒、伤风感冒者和心血管病人,以及易患过敏症者,吃螃蟹更要节制,最好不吃。 实用对策 螃蟹中毒预防有招 怎样才能预防螃蟹中毒呢?首先应该不吃用酒醉和盐渍的螃蟹,不吃腐败变质的螃蟹;其次,吃新鲜螃蟹时,煮前先刷干净,把蟹放入淡水中浸一下,这样可使其吐出污水和杂质,煮蒸时?熏须待水沸后再煮20分钟以上,吃时先去蟹肋、胃、肠、心,宜多佐以姜末和香醋,这样既能开胃消化,又能除腥杀菌。 螃蟹中毒赶快急救 吃了螃蟹中毒后,往往会出现恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻等,严重者还会上吐下泻不止,引起人体因失水过多,造成酸碱失调或虚脱,甚至出现生命危险。 食后有不适者,就必须立即设法将食物从胃内吐出来,必要时洗胃导泻,并口服抗菌消炎药及对症处理,严重者要送往医院救治。 此外,急救螃蟹中毒还有几个小秘方,一是用大蒜15克,捣碎用冷开水浸泡去渣加红糖25 克,1次喝下,每隔1小时喝1次,连喝3-4次。二是让病人喝5杯含盐开水。这些秘方都是为了设法催吐,但若经过以上处理症状仍未缓解,应及时送医院治疗。吃了螃蟹中毒后,往往会出现恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻等,严重者还会上吐下泻不止,引起人体因失水过多,造成酸碱失调或虚脱,甚至出现生命危险。 食后有不适者,就必须立即设法将食物从胃内吐出来,必要时洗胃导泻,并口服抗菌消炎药及对症处理,严重者要送往医院救治。 此外,急救螃蟹中毒还有几个小秘方,一是用大蒜15克,捣碎用冷开水浸泡去渣加红糖25 克,1次喝下,每隔1小时喝1次,连喝3-4次。二是让病人喝5杯含盐开水。这些秘方都是为了设法催吐,但若经过以上处理症状仍未缓解,应及时送医院治疗。 买螃蟹遵循5项原则 要买到新鲜的河蟹,选蟹时要做到“五看”:一看颜色;二看个体;三看肚脐;四看蟹毛;五看动作。蟹的颜色要青背白肚,金爪黄毛;个体要大而老健;肚脐要向外凸出;蟹脚上要蟹毛丛生;动作要敏捷活跃。符合这5条的才买。 信报记者 方芳 ( 2007-10-16 18:58) ( 2007-10-16 18:58) 选蟹吃蟹讲究多 火凤网(今晚六点) 这边学者专家、社会知名人士对“蟹中之王 ”赞不绝口,现场做起了推销,那边慕名前来买蟹的市民也是一拨接着一拨,这可乐坏了梁子湖的螃蟹养殖户们,养殖户周峰一上午就卖掉了800多斤螃蟹,面对我们 的镜头,他还热心地当起了螃蟹导购员。 梁子湖螃蟹养殖户 周峰 :"第一看他的屁股厚不厚, 第二看倒数第二个脚 。 " 选好了螃蟹,怎么个吃法讲究也大着呢。周峰说,选好螃蟹之后首先要用淡盐水浸泡,然后再用刷子把螃蟹身上的粘渍刷掉,在下锅蒸的时候要再次在螃蟹身上撒上盐,这样既可以消毒,做出来的螃蟹还别有一番味道。 梁子湖螃蟹养殖户 周峰 :" 吃起来有讲究 ,9月9重阳之前母的比公的好吃 ,到11月份之后都很好吃。 " 螃蟹的营养十分丰富,蛋白质的含量高,钙、磷、铁和维生素A的含量也较高。但如果吃得不当,可能会不益于健康。螃蟹性寒,脾胃虚寒者应尽量少吃,以免引起腹痛、腹泻,吃时可蘸姜末醋汁,以去其寒气。另外,患有伤风、发热、胃病、腹泻者也不宜吃螃蟹,否则会加剧病情。患有高血压、冠心病、动脉硬化者,也要尽量少吃蟹黄,以免胆固醇增高。 吃死蟹会中毒 , 吃蒸煮的蟹最安全, 吃蟹不是人人皆宜 。 您看看,这螃蟹虽然好吃,也还是有不少禁忌的,您要是特爱吃螃蟹,最好还是先了解自己的身体状况,看有没有刚才提醒的那些毛病,要真有的话,可千万别贪多哦! (湖北台 李田 佟占军 ) ******************************************************** 连吃5只蟹不料被"毒翻" 秋天吃蟹有点讲究 新华网浙江频道(2007-10-15 10:57:04) 新华网浙江频道10月15日电 据《天天商报》报道,这几天螃蟹大量上市,且蟹价不高,不少绍兴市民便纷纷购来尝鲜。但由于食用不当,一些人因此而出现了肚痛、腹泻等症状,最后不得不上医院治疗。 昨天,住在绍兴市区京华新村的陈女士看见每只3两重的螃蟹只要28元一斤,于是一口气买了10多只,想和家人好好享受一番。中午,平时就爱吃水产的陈女士一下子就吃了5只螃蟹,还喝了不少茶水。到了下午,她明显感觉到身体有些不舒服,头有点痛,还很想吐,脸色也不好。家人一看情况不对,赶紧将她送到医院,医生诊断为吃螃蟹过多引起的蛋白质中毒。 秋风起,蟹黄肥。眼下,螃蟹已成了不少人餐桌上的美味,无论是大大小小的餐馆,还是居民日常饮食,选择吃螃蟹的人还真不少。但昨天记者从市区几所医院的急诊室了解到,这段时间以来,因吃螃蟹不当而出现过敏、腹泻、呕吐等症状的患者明显增多。 前不久,有位17岁的高中生,在家里吃了几只螃蟹,皮肤上出现了一点点红色的东西,感觉非常痒,眼睛也红红的。到医院后,医生一检查,诊断是吃螃蟹引起的过敏。 “蟹虽然很鲜美,但吃起来可有讲究,有些人并不能吃或应该少吃。”医生说,螃蟹蛋白质含量很高,还含有丰富的游离氨基酸,如果短时间内吃太多的蟹,有可能造成消化吸收障碍,引起蛋白质中毒,还有的人吃了没有烧熟的螃蟹,会引起腹痛腹泻、恶心呕吐等症状。而一些对海鲜过敏的人,吃了螃蟹,也有可能出现过敏反应,甚至上吐下泻。 有医生强调说,有些人不适合吃螃蟹,如易中风的人、肝炎患者、肝胆疾病患者、心脑血管患者,以及对螃蟹过敏的人,千万不要吃螃蟹;而虚寒怕凉体质的人、胃肠炎患者,以及感冒咳嗽未痊愈的人,也最好不要吃螃蟹。 值得注意的是,吃螃蟹一定要吃新鲜的活蟹,并要彻底加热,以把蟹体中的细菌微生物杀死,千万不要贪图便宜而去购买死蟹,并尽量少吃醉蟹。此外,吃螃蟹还有一些禁忌,如吃螃蟹时和吃螃蟹后1小时内不要喝茶水,也不要吃柿子、西瓜、梨、花生等食物。作者:记者章建坤 ******************************************************************** |
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Thursday, March 27, 2008 - 09:15 pm: | |
(China Alley的皇朝餐館)
(國民黨元老于佑任的墨寶) 百年餐館﹕中加州的皇朝餐館 華裔先人移民美國留下的諸多歷史遺跡﹐能夠延續到今天的是鳳毛麟角﹐中加州小鎮Hanford上的皇朝餐館(Imperial Dynasty)是其中的一個。這個幾乎可以說是在美國歷史最悠久的中餐館﹐以其100多年的歷史見證著華裔移民的先人是如何紮根立足﹑最後融入美國社會的過程。不僅如此﹐很多華裔恐怕還不知道﹐這個曾接待過國父孫中山﹑前美國國務卿馬歇爾(George C. Marshall)及前美國總統也是前加州州長里根的皇朝餐館﹐在江家的苦心經營下成為加州最負盛名的餐館之一。 Hanford位於加州5號公路與99號公路之間的198號公路上﹐這個小鎮有一條街叫「China Alley」﹐皇朝餐館就座落在這條小街上。1860年左右﹐廣東三邑的江榮隨著夢想在加州淘金的鄉親來到美國。1883年﹐江榮在Hanford的 China Alley創辦了皇朝餐館。 一直經營中餐的皇朝餐館﹐在1947年發生了「革命」性的變化﹐如果用現在流行的術語來形容﹐就是開始融入主流。江家餐館的變化﹐與在國共兩黨內戰時期擔任美國總統杜魯門特使及後來成為美國國務卿的馬歇爾有直接的關係。1915年在美國出生的江家后代江振吉(Richard Wing)﹐高中畢業從軍﹐而後擔任當時遠東軍司令馬歇爾的特勤兵﹐他的職責之一﹐就是為馬歇爾品嘗食物及掌勺。 馬歇爾不僅是傑出的政治家和軍事家﹐也是美食家。江振吉跟隨馬歇爾從歐洲到中國而後回到美國﹐在馬歇爾擔任國務卿的時候﹐他仍然在馬歇爾左右。這種獨特的經歷﹐讓江振吉對餐飲的認識發生了根本性的變化。1947年退伍後﹐他把餐館改造成為經營以法式西餐為主﹑配以法國陳釀的西餐館。或許江振吉是美國最早經營西餐館的華裔。 從此以後﹐皇朝餐館的名聲開始近播遠揚。「洛杉磯時報」﹑「日落(Sunset)」雜誌和「加州評論家 (California Critic)」等主流媒體曾精細的描寫過皇朝餐館的每一道美味和美酒﹐是如何讓食客滿足﹔餐館內極具中華文化傳統特色的典雅環境﹐又是如何讓顧客沉醉。馬歇爾﹑里根等政要都曾慕名而來﹐好萊塢明星更是趨之若騖。以至於為了滿足開私人飛機前來的好萊塢明星們﹐Hanford市專門修建了一個小型私人停機場。 皇朝餐館之所以成為加州最負盛名的餐館之一﹐除了地道的西餐外﹐就是藏有世界各地的陳年佳釀﹐使得皇朝的葡萄酒名滿加州。像有夢幻葡萄酒之稱的法國著名葡萄酒Romanee Conti﹑被評為全世界最佳不甜白酒的法國Montrachet和以及名酒Bernkastler Doctor等﹐在皇朝餐館都可以品嘗到。在價格方面主流媒體的評論是﹐價格可能低于其他的好酒貯藏店﹐民眾是可負擔起的。 皇朝餐館的另一特色是﹐極具中華文化傳統味道的裝璜。皇朝餐館的外觀﹐是典型的中國式建築。走進餐館後﹐古色古香的氣氛﹐讓人很難把西餐聯係在一起。牆上掛的和台上擺的﹐不是年代久遠的中國文物﹐就是名人書畫﹐徐悲鴻﹑張大千等名家的真跡伸手可及。就連菜譜﹐也做得非常中國化﹐紅地金邊的菜單封面﹐印有楷﹑隸﹑ 行﹑草4種字體的名家碑帖。 皇朝餐館的故事在短時間內難以盡述。如皇朝餐館二樓花費5萬美元為好萊塢女星們打造的女士洗手間以及被稱為餐館最值錢部份的酒窖﹐說起來都是引人入勝的故事。當問及江家后代對餐館印象最深刻的事時﹐江家的第4代謝瑞歐(Sherril Wing)說﹐應該是孫中山先生曾在皇朝餐館舉行籌款活動。謝瑞歐表示﹐雖然她並沒有經歷﹐但是祖父在當年講述這件事時讓她印象深刻。 當我問道﹐為什麼江家英文名字的姓都是「Wing」而不是粵語中江的拼音﹐謝瑞歐說﹐當年先人到美國向移民局報告姓名時﹐按中國人的習慣先說姓﹑後說名﹐把姓放在後面的老美按著自己的喜歡就把粵語發音為「榮」的「Wing」作為江家的姓﹐這一下子就是100多年。謝瑞歐說﹐她沒有中文名字﹐但是她知道當有中國人問她叫什麼名字﹐她會回答「姓江」。 我沒有問她為什麼不去把姓改回來﹐因為其中必然浸透著江家先人的辛酸。就讓「Wing」和皇朝餐館一樣繼續下去﹐成為華裔移民艱辛的永久見證。 ************************************************************************** 美国中加州汉复德皇朝中餐馆见证百年历史 华裔移民藉以谋生的中餐馆遍布世界各地,但早期广东移民江荣家族在美国中加州汉复德(Hanford)开设的“皇朝”餐馆,走过一个多世纪的历程,蕴涵了丰厚的历史色彩。这家餐馆不仅是当年孙中山先生的筹款之地,餐馆主人还与美国二战中著名将领马歇尔将军有缘,而使餐馆名扬历史。 从洛杉矶北上近3小时,距5号公路30哩的汉复德市,便是加州最早的华裔聚集地。早期移民江荣于1883年创建的中餐馆“皇朝”,至今仍然生意兴隆。 餐馆外观,是普通的两层砖木结构建筑。但一进大门,浓厚的中华文化气氛、豪华的装潢气派、华丽的色彩,给人的感觉不同凡响。 大门迎面处悬挂的清、明朝帝王大幅画像,墙壁上悬挂着丝绸刺绣、中国的三弦、铜钹等乐器,以及珍贵的中国画、照片、中国字画作为装饰,拱型的屋顶吊着巨大的中式灯笼,烘托出温馨、华丽的气氛。连餐馆的菜单都有红色的古文汉字,设计独特。 早在1860年左右,最早来加州修铁路的华工就在汉复德聚集,形成加州最早的中国城。当时的汉复德只有200多位白人居民,但华人就达1.3万人。 来自广东的江荣,即是修铁路的早期华工。入美国海关时,江荣的广东口音把他的名字“荣”发音成“Wing”,却被移民官误写成姓氏,从此江荣一家成为“Wing”氏家族。 1883年,修过铁路的江荣在汉复德创办了“皇朝”餐馆。据至今仍在餐馆经营的江荣后代江慧娟说,最初的餐馆只有6张桌子。她说,孙中山先生早年革命时期,也曾经在汉复德“皇朝”餐馆筹款。今天的华裔游客到餐馆,都要在当年筹款的地方拍张照片,肃然起敬的心情油然而生。 把“皇朝”餐馆推向发达的,是江荣的儿子江振吉。1915年生在美国的江振吉,原本并未打算继承父业,他拥有建筑设计和外交专业。1945年至1947 年,马歇尔将军前往中国担任大使时,江振吉作为马歇尔的特勤助理一同前往,他的工作之一是品尝大使的菜肴,因而有机会吃遍中、西各种菜式,对法国菜和中国菜尤其精通。 直到二战后,江振吉回到汉复德振兴“皇朝”餐馆,他扩建餐馆、设立酒吧,并在传统的广东菜式外,开始经营牛排、蜗牛等法国大菜和葡萄酒,从此使餐馆生意兴隆,远近驰名。 江荣家族的第四代主人Sherril Wing说,目前,不少好莱坞明星是餐馆的常客,当年里根竞选加州州长时,也曾在“皇朝”举办派对。(来源:美国《世界日报》,记者:陈晓春) ***********************************************
The Imperial Dynasty family includes five generations of Chinese Americans. Front row from left: Sherrill Harris, Richard Wing (the restaurant's founder and an award-winning chef) and Arianne Wing. In back are Leilani Wing-Shimizu and Jennifer Wing. The Fresno Bee
The Wing family began serving food in Hanford's China Alley in 1883. They stayed in business 123 years. In Rural California, an Imperial Dynasty Ends by Sasha Khokha Morning Edition, March 24, 2006 · European monarchs dined there. Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek once sent ambassadors to try the famous escargot. Ronald Reagan ate there when he was governor of California. Yet this food mecca is not in the culinary cities of Paris, San Francisco or Rome. Instead, the Imperial Dynasty restaurant is nestled among pastures and cotton fields in rural California. One family has run the business for 123 years. Now, as Sasha Khokha of member station KQED notes, 84-year-old chef Richard Wing has decided to close down the five-star restaurant. Wing's grandfather opened up shop in the tiny city of Hanford's Chinatown in 1883, selling bowls of steaming noodles for five cents. Wing himself began cooking when he was six -- peeling onions, washing bean sprouts and shelling shrimp. Wing left Hanford during World War II to join the Army. And in 1945 he caught the attention of Gen. George C. Marshall, who asked Wing to accompany him to China as his personal chef. "It was like a fantastic dream for me," Wing says. "Imagine for a humble Chinese cook to be offered this wonderful privilege to be assigned to the great five-star general." That assignment also included being a food taster for Marshall, who was allergic to shellfish and strawberries. Wing tasted food from kitchens in Europe and Asia, where he carefully watched chefs and compiled his own recipes. During this service to Marshall, Wing also cooked for Presidents Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower. When he returned to Hanford in 1958, his mission was to bring fine dining to California's rural San Joaquin Valley. He transformed his grandfather's noodle house into a five-star restaurant, decorating it with intricate jade carvings, and tasseled Chinese lanterns. But the Imperial Dynasty was not a Chinese restaurant. "It's more French cooking than Chinese," with a bit of Russian, German, Italian and Swiss flavoring throw in, Wing says. Wing's menu boasted Cornish game hen and poached salmon, with egg fu yung as the only obvious Chinese dish. Soon, the Imperial Dynasty attracted diners from all over the world to the cow town. A group of wealthy New York businessmen used to fly in once a month just for the escargot -- a garlicky recipe Wing took years to perfect. In the restaurant's final months, locals -- mostly wealthy farmers -- came back three and four times a week just for those buttery snails. And for beer and wine -- the basement cellar holds 70,000 bottles -- some from the 1920s. This wine, and Wing's menu, won him scores of international awards. But health problems kept him out of the kitchen for the past year. He says he's tired, and the fourth generation of Wings doesn't want to take over the restaurant business. So the Imperial Dynasty, which anchored Hanford's fading Chinatown, has closed its doors for the last time. Related NPR Stories July 18, 2005 Capturing the Elusive 'Breath of a Wok' |
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 09:19 am: | | 省/市自治区奖牌榜 已有26个省/市自治区上榜 备注:最新上榜-河南(张志磊 拳击91公斤以上级) 内蒙古(张小平 拳击男子75-81公斤级) 贵州(邹市明 拳击48公斤以下级) 1 双人及团体项目均按照1枚奖牌计入该省/市(自治区) 2 香港与中华台北作为国际奥委会注册成员以独立地区身份参加奥运会,不在本次统计之列 3 运动员按照注册单位判断归属,非籍贯 4 点击备注查看该省/市(自治区)夺金明细
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 - 09:22 am: | |
省/市自治区奖牌榜 已有26个省/市自治区上榜 备注:最新上榜-河南(张志磊 拳击91公斤以上级) 内蒙古(张小平 拳击男子75-81公斤级) 贵州(邹市明 拳击48公斤以下级) 1 双人及团体项目均按照1枚奖牌计入该省/市(自治区) 2 香港与中华台北作为国际奥委会注册成员以独立地区身份参加奥运会,不在本次统计之列 3 运动员按照注册单位判断归属,非籍贯 4 点击备注查看该省/市(自治区)夺金明细 名次 省/市 金牌金牌 银牌银牌 铜牌铜牌 总数 备注 1 江苏 8 4 4 16 陈玲(射箭),陈艳青(举重),黄旭(体操男团),肖钦(体操男团/鞍马),陈若琳(双人跳水/10米台),仲满 黄海洋 包盈盈(击剑),陈金 蔡赟(羽毛球),周春秀(田径),邱健(射击),陆春龙(蹦床),张希(沙排),黄俊霞 唐春玲(曲棍球),赵蕊蕊(排球) 2 辽宁 6 4 4 14 郭丹(射箭),杨秀丽(柔道),张宁 杜婧/于洋(羽毛球),唐宾张杨杨(赛艇),王娇(摔跤),王楠(乒乓球女团/个人),郭跃(乒球女团/个人),张文秀(田径),马弋博 高丽华 孙镇 李红侠 任烨 赵玉雕宋清龄(曲棍球),王一梅 杨昊 刘亚男(排球),章硕 孙丹 侴陶 隋剑爽(艺术体操) 3 广东 6 4 3 13 陈燮霞(举重),冼东妹(柔道),杨伊琳/李珊珊(体操女团,高低杠/个人全能),李宏利(举重),谢杏芳 傅海峰(羽毛球),马琳(乒球男团/个人),何冲(跳水),周婉峰 陈秋琦 潘凤贞(曲棍球),刘鸥 罗茜(花游团体) 4 北京 6 3 4 13 林跃(跳水,广东籍),张琳(游泳),许岩(柔道),何可欣(体操女团/高低杠),陈颖(射击),倪红(击剑),张怡宁(乒乓球女团/个人),朱国(跆拳道),付宝荣(曲棍球),冯坤 薛明(排球),顾贝贝 张晓欢(花游团体) 5 山东 5 3 2 10 张娟娟(射箭),姜林(射箭),王峰(跳水),刘春红(举重),谭淼 周雅菲(游泳),杜丽 谭宗亮(射击,递补银牌),奚爱华(赛艇) 6 上海 4 2 8 14 吴敏霞(跳水),火亮(跳水),胡斌渊(射击),庞佳颖 朱倩蔚 孙晔(游泳),刘子歌(游泳),王励勤(乒球男团/个人),徐莉佳(帆船),程晖(曲棍球),马蕴雯(排球),孙萩亭 黄雪辰(花游团体) 7 湖北 4 2 3 9 杨威(体操男团/个人全能/吊环),廖辉(举重),程菲(体操女团/跳马/平衡木),魏轶力(羽毛球双打),赵菁(游泳) 8 天津 4 2 2 8 王鑫(双人跳水/10米台),陈一冰(体操男团/吊环),谭雪(击剑),佟文(柔道),田佳(沙排),魏秋月 李娟 张娜(排球) 8 四川 4 2 2 8 邹凯(体操男团/单杠/自由体操),晏紫 郑洁(网球),殷剑(帆板),陈朝霞 张益萌(曲棍球),蒋文文 蒋婷婷 王娜(花游团体),吕远洋(艺术体操) 10 江西 3 2 1 6 金紫薇,吴优/高玉兰(赛艇),何汉斌(羽毛球),吴静钰(跆拳道),杨文军(皮划艇静水) 11 福建 3 0 2 5 张湘祥(举重),林丹(羽毛球),何雯娜(蹦床),薛晨(沙排),徐云丽(排球) 12 河北 3 0 0 3 庞伟(射击),郭晶晶(跳水) 12 湖南 3 0 0 3 龙清泉(举重),李小鹏(体操男团/双杠) 14 浙江 2 2 1 5 朱启南(射击),江钰源(体操女团),杨雨(游泳),周苏红(排球),孟关良(皮划艇静水),蔡彤彤(艺术体操) 15 陕西 2 0 1 3 郭文珺(射击),秦凯(跳水) 16 吉林 1 2 1 4 王皓(乒球男团/个人) 郭爽(自行车),李爽(曲棍球) 17 安徽 1 2 0 3 邓琳琳(体操女团),许莉(摔跤),周吕鑫(跳水) 18 黑龙江 1 1 0 2 焦刘洋(游泳),曹磊(举重) 19 广西 1 0 1 2 李文全(射箭),陆永(举重) 20 贵州 1 0 0 1 邹市明(拳击) 20 内蒙古 1 0 0 1 张小平(拳击) 21 新疆 0 1 2 3 薛海峰(射箭),王洁(沙排),哈那提斯拉木(拳击) 22 山西 0 1 1 2 常永祥(古典式摔跤),董栋(蹦床) 23 甘肃 0 1 0 1 李爱莉(曲棍球) 23 河南 0 1 0 1 张志磊(拳击) 24 重庆 0 0 1 1 张亚雯(羽毛球) 备注: 1 双人及团体项目均按照1枚奖牌计入该省/市(自治区) 2 香港与中华台北作为国际奥委会注册成员以独立地区身份参加奥运会,不在本次统计之列 3 运动员按照注册单位判断归属,非籍贯 4 刘子歌、郭爽、董栋、王鑫、曹磊、林跃等人都是按照注册单位进行统计,详情请点击备注查看
Ld (Ld) Username: Ld
Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, January 10, 2007 - 11:56 pm: | |
Bush Asking for the Name of China's Leader Click to watch a short funny filmstrip about Bush asking for the name of China's leader |
Ld (Ld) Username: Ld
Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Thursday, January 11, 2007 - 12:02 am: | |
Parasite makes men dumb, women sexy The Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, December 26, 2006 A common parasite can increase a women's attractiveness to the opposite sex but also make men more stupid, an Australian researcher says. About 40 per cent of the world's population is infected with Toxoplasma gondii , including about eight million Australians. Human infection generally occurs when people eat raw or undercooked meat that has cysts containing the parasite, or accidentally ingest some of the parasite's eggs excreted by an infected cat. The parasite is known to be dangerous to pregnant women as it can cause disability or abortion of the unborn child, and can also kill people whose immune systems are weakened. Until recently it was thought to be an insignificant disease in healthy people, Sydney University of Technology infectious disease researcher Nicky Boulter said, but new research has revealed its mind-altering properties. "Interestingly, the effect of infection is different between men and women," Dr Boulter writes in the latest issue of Australasian Science magazine. "Infected men have lower IQs, achieve a lower level of education and have shorter attention spans. They are also more likely to break rules and take risks, be more independent, more anti-social, suspicious, jealous and morose, and are deemed less attractive to women. "On the other hand, infected women tend to be more outgoing, friendly, more promiscuous, and are considered more attractive to men compared with non-infected controls. "In short, it can make men behave like alley cats and women behave like sex kittens". Dr Boulter said the recent Czech Republic research was not conclusive, but was backed up by animal studies that found infection also changes the behaviour of mice. The mice were more likely to take risks that increased their chance of being eaten by cats, which would allow the parasite to continue its life cycle. Rodents treated with drugs that killed the parasites reversed their behaviour, Dr Boulter said. Another study showed people who were infected but not showing symptoms were 2.7 times more likely than uninfected people to be involved in a car accident as a driver or pedestrian, while other research has linked the parasite to higher incidences of schizophrenia. "The increasing body of evidence connecting Toxoplasma 剛地弓形虫 infection with changes in personality and mental state, combined with the extremely high incidence of human infection in both developing and developed countries, warrants increased government funding and research, in particular to find safe and effective treatments or vaccines," Dr Boulter said. -men-dumb-women-sexy/2006/12/26/1166895290973.html |
Ld (Ld) Username: Ld
Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Thursday, January 11, 2007 - 12:23 am: | |
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Gallons of benefits in just two cups of tea Drink up to prevent ovarian cancer, latest study suggests By Karen Collins, R.D. MSNBC Updated: 6:28 p.m. ET Feb. 24, 2006 New research supports and expands on previous studies to suggest that a lower risk of ovarian cancer may be as close as your teacup. Among a large group of Swedish women, those who drank at least two cups of tea a day developed 46 percent less ovarian cancer than non-tea drinkers. Black tea, which is the most popular tea in the U.S., is what most of these tea drinkers consumed, rather than the green tea, which is more common among Asian populations. This latest study linking tea with less ovarian cancer followed more than 61,000 Swedish middle-aged and older women for about 15 years. Those who drank at least two daily cups of tea had the lowest rates of this cancer, but even one cup a day decreased a womans risk by 24 percent. Admittedly, tea-drinkers tend to have healthier lifestyles in many Western cultures than the general population because they exercise more, drink less alcohol, practice better weight control and eat more vegetables. In this study, however, other possible influences were taken into account. The lowered risk appeared after adjustments were made for factors influencing ovarian cancer risk, like a womans weight, age, past pregnancies and consumption of calories, fruits, vegetables and alcohol. Since the study took place in Sweden, which is a nation of coffee drinkers, its important to note that coffee consumption was unrelated to risk. The benefits of tea werent due to drinking less coffee. Of course, some unidentified aspect of the tea drinkers?lifestyle or diet could still be involved in the reduced cancer risk. An earlier study compared women with ovarian cancer to a group of healthy women. Daily tea drinkers were 60 percent less likely to develop this type of cancer, and those who had drunk tea for more than thirty years had a more than 75 percent lower risk. Black or oolong tea seemed as protective as green tea, but since this study took place in China, more than 90 percent of the tea drinkers chose green tea. Green tea may protect the aging brain The results did not make any adjustment for differences in vegetable consumption between tea drinkers and non-tea drinkers, but such an adjustment may be unnecessary for this population group. The researchers did account for differences in age, weight status, past pregnancies, exercise and alcohol consumption in their results. Antioxidants repair cells The ongoing Iowa Womens Health Study of women past menopause shows a less clear relationship between tea and ovarian cancer. Although women who drank tea even once a week cut their rate of this cancer almost in half compared to non-tea drinkers after eight years, there was no effect to drinking more than a cup a day. Because relatively few women in this study developed ovarian cancer, the basis for any conclusion was further weakened. Laboratory studies suggest that tea could protect against ovarian cancer, as well as other cancers, in several ways. Some natural substances in tea are powerful antioxidants that seem to help prevent and repair damage to cells?DNA that can lead to cancer. In addition to inhibiting the ability of carcinogens to begin the cancer process, these natural phytochemicals might work at later stages of cancer development, too, inhibiting the growth and spread of cancer cells and increasing their self-destruction. In one Chinese study, women with ovarian cancer who drank at least a cup of green tea daily were more than twice as likely to survive as non-tea drinkers. As optimistic as these studies sound about the ability of tea to substantially reduce the impact of one particular cancer, the broad view of research indicates that a simple solution like tea is unlikely. Although the results of studies on ovarian cancer are rather inconsistent, several suggest that controlling your weight, limiting animal fat and eating plenty of dark green and other kinds of vegetables may also help guard you from this and other cancers. _________________________________________________ Potato lovers may have higher diabetes risk By Amy Norton Thu Feb 23, 4:19 PM ET NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Holding that side of fries might help thwart type 2 diabetes, new research suggests. In a long-term study of nearly 85,000 U.S. women, researchers at Harvard University found that those with the highest potato intake had a modestly elevated risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The link was strongest among obese women, who are already at increased risk of the disease, suggesting that heavy potato consumption may pose a particular problem for them, the researchers point out. The findings are published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Though potatoes have healthful attributes, they also have a high glycemic index (GI) -- meaning they cause a rapid, strong rise in blood sugar. Over time, these surges may damage the pancreatic cells that produce the hormone insulin, which is needed to metabolize blood sugar. Overweight or sedentary adults may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of high-GI foods because they often have underlying insulin resistance -- a precursor to diabetes in which body cells lose their sensitivity to insulin. So it would make sense for these individuals to lay off the french fries, Thomas L. Halton, the lead author of the new study, told Reuters Health. He and his colleagues found that women with the highest potato intake were 14 percent more likely than those with the lowest intake to develop diabetes over 20 years. And women who ate the most french fries, specifically, had a 21 percent greater risk of diabetes than those who ate the fewest. Overall diet and other lifestyle habits did not explain the link, and potatoes seemed to be more problematic when a woman ate them instead of whole grains. Whole grains -- as well as many high-fiber vegetables, fruits and legumes -- have a lower GI than potatoes and white-flour products. So eating those foods in place of potatoes, Halton's team concludes, could potentially cut diabetes risk. SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, February 2006. 30224.html _______________________________________________ No hope in a bottle? Supplements lose luster after studies question claims By Fran Kritz MSNBC contributor Updated: 10:55 a.m. ET Feb. 24, 2006 WASHINGTON - If youve ever suspected those cure-all claims for dietary supplements were too good to be true, youre in some pretty good company. Two recent studies appearing in the highly-respected New England Journal of Medicine punctured the promises of some of the most popular pills found on drug-store shelves. Turns out calcium isn't much help for preventing broken bones as we grow older. And glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, top-sellers for the aches and pains of osteoarthritis, hardly make a difference. Vitamins C and E fared even poorer as preventives against prostate cancer in a study last week in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. It found no reduction of risk whatsoever, except perhaps in some smokers. "People have been seeing supplements as all they needed to do to avoid disease,?quot; says Dr. Meir Stampfer, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. "These studies provide a wake-up call to say, no, you need to do more than that. Could the $5 billion dietary supplement industry finally be losing its luster? Andrew Vickers, Ph.D., a research methodologist in the Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, say the recent spate of studies -- including one last year that showed echinacea didn't fight the common cold after all -- doesn't signal a downward plummet. Instead, it's a more accurate reflection of the more limited benefits many supplements offer. "Small trials, which many supplements have gone through, often show a great deal of benefit, says Vickers. "Its only when you greatly increase the size of the population studied that you are able to see a more accurate picture, which is what were seeing now. For example, just over 36,000 women, ages 50 to 79, were enrolled in the calcium study, a large number for a clinical trial. Half the participants were given placebos, the others received 1,000 mg of calcium and 400 iu of vitamin D, just slightly less than the National Osteoporosis Foundation's guidelines of 1,200 mg of calcium and 400-800 iu of vitamin D for women over 50. 'If it works for me...' Clear benefit was seen only for women over 60; hip fractures in that group were reduced by 21 percent. But overall, women in the supplement group did not have fewer fractures than women who took the placebo. And in the 30,000-strong osteoarthritis study, patients with mild joint pain saw no improvement by using glucosamine and chondroitin, though there was some relief for people with more severe pain. Even industry members think the studies may lead to a recalibration of an over-hyped industry. "Marketers tended to go overboard with their claims -- so instead of suggesting support for a particular area of health, many implied curative effects, says Shawn Talbott, editor of an industry Web site, SupplementWatch. "When supplements are actually studied for those curative effects ... they do not always fare so well, Talbott says. Rather than push consumers away, experts hope the studies will relegate supplements to a complementary role, amid a host of other healthy efforts. The National Osteoporosis Foundation posted a notice on its Web site saying the latest findings would not change the groups calcium and vitamin D recommendations but reminded women that bone health also requires other steps such as weight-bearing exercise. Dr. Mary Jo DiMilia, an integrative medicine physician at Mount Sinai Medical Center, says none of her patients have asked about foregoing calcium, and shes not giving up the glucosamine shes relied on to relieve arthritis pain for the last two years. "If it works for me, asks DiMilia, "why should it matter that the study didnt find benefit for all patients?" |
Ld (Ld) Username: Ld
Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Thursday, January 11, 2007 - 12:21 pm: | | Tuesday, 9 January 2007, 16:18 GMT How spicy foods can kill cancers Scientists have discovered the key to the ability of spicy foods to kill cancer cells. They found capsaicin, an ingredient of jalapeno peppers, triggers cancer cell death by attacking mitochondria - the cells' energy-generating boiler rooms. The research raises the possibility that other cancer drugs could be developed to target mitochondria. The Nottingham University study features in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. The study showed that the family of molecules to which capsaicin belongs, the vanilloids, bind to proteins in the cancer cell mitochondria to trigger apoptosis, or cell death, without harming surrounding healthy cells. Capsaicin was tested on cultures of human lung cancer cells and on pancreatic cancers. Lead researcher Dr Timothy Bates said: "As these compounds attack the very heart of the tumour cells, we believe that we have in effect discovered a fundamental 'Achilles heel' for all cancers. "The biochemistry of the mitochondria in cancer cells is very different from that in normal cells. "This is an innate selective vulnerability of cancer cells." He said a dose of capsaicin that could cause a cancer cell to enter apoptosis, would not have the same effect on a normal cell. Potential Drugs The fact that capsaicin and other vanilloids are already commonly found in the diet proves they are safe to eat. This could make development of a drug containing them a much quicker and cheaper process. Dr Bates said: "Capsaicin, for example, is already found in treatments for muscle strain and psoriasis - which raises the question of whether an adapted topical treatment could be used to treat certain types of skin cancer. "It's also possible that cancer patients or those at risk of developing cancer could be advised to eat a diet which is richer in spicy foods to help treat or prevent the disease." However, Josephine Querido, cancer information officer at Cancer Research UK, said: "This research does not suggest that eating vast quantities of chilli pepper will help prevent or treat cancer. "The experiments showed that pepper extracts killed cancer cells grown in the laboratory, but these have not yet been tested to see if they are safe and effective in humans." Cancer Research UK recommends reducing the risk of cancer by eating a healthy, balanced diet, with plenty of vegetables and fruit. Dr Bates added that the mitochondria in cancer cells could also be targeted by other compounds. He said the investigation and development of anti-mitochondrial drugs for cancer chemotherapy was likely to be "extremely significant" in the fight against cancer. |
Ld (Ld) Username: Ld
Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Saturday, January 13, 2007 - 07:59 pm: | |
Spanish teacher The Spanish teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, Nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine. "House" for instance, is feminine: "la Casa." "Pencil," however, is masculine: "el lapiz." A student asked, "What gender is 'computer'?" Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether "computer" should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation. The men's group decided that "computer" should definitely be of the feminine gender ("la computadora"), Because: 1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic; 2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else; 3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval; and 4. As soon as you make A commitment to one, You find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it. The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be masculine ("el computador"), Because: 1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on; 2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves; 3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and 4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model. V the answer is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The women won. |
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Monday, January 14, 2008 - 09:56 pm: | | 易拳開練:走路也是站樁? 不但走路可以是站樁,推車也可以。當然這是我的定義。別人可以有別人的定義。站樁和走架的區別主要是求靜。但是鐘擺雖然在動,其實也是靜。通過動來實現靜。 關鍵是鬆,把一身的僵硬柔化。鬆而後則關節活。你不能像鐘擺那樣活動關節,説明鬆得不夠。或許要把身體先整疲憊了效果更好。 關節活,像鐘擺一樣來回晃,能調理筋腱。你的身體原來就好比亂綫頭一團。練拳是幫你理順。就好比一個木偶的綫亂了,理順之後,就可以想讓哪動那就動了。 前面說了那些動作,比較簡單。也可以有複雜的。比如雙胯不同步的轉圈,也就是大腿轉圈,重心在兩腿閒調換。這需要髖關節活了才行。那些鐘擺動作都是針對于相關的關節的。關節活了,才能擺起來。 以這個思路,走路也可以練功。不要追求速度,要感受在走路過程中,身體各部位的節節貫穿。雙胯要活,尾閭要鬆,可以向下墜。把自己走散架的感覺。 以前提到過推車練功。這次去Orlando玩的時候,經常用小車推孩子。別人這麽推可能嫌累,而對我來講,正好是休息。雙肩也參與進來,感覺四肢驅趕的配合,放鬆,完全是自己按摩自己。 所謂:虎行如病。你看虎豹在行進的時候,筋骨柔軟,好像有氣無力,但又似充滿力量。那是在養精蓄銳,在調理經筋,甚至可以修復傷病。 站多長時間?隨意。腳也可動。關鍵是別緊張,別追求什麽。你的潛意識會告訴你應該怎麽做。 鐘擺的過程中,關節可能會響。其實不是關節響,是筋鍵響。剛開始幾下,有些筋腱可能被拉抻,有些短暫的微痛。這些都屬於正常現象。
Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Monday, June 02, 2008 - 04:16 am: | | 太極人生:長壽貴在堅持 [2008-06-02] 李 暉 有句俗話:「沒什麼別沒錢,有什麼別有病。」所以長壽、健康就成了每一個人追求的願望。世界上有不少長壽老人,吸引人們去探索他們長壽的秘訣,但是人們在向長壽老人,特別是一些文化低一些的長壽老人諮詢長壽秘訣時會發現,有時他們自己也說不出什麼道理來。其實這正應了「大道自然」的道理。 許多人並沒有刻意的去追求長壽,可是到頭來卻能長壽,決不會是沒有原因的。總結來看那些長壽者幾乎每個人都有一套適合自己的健身方法,但是深入了解人們就會發現每個長壽老人們不管是鍛煉身體也好,吃素食也好,還是遠離喧囂,再或者不聞不問煩心事也好,關鍵是他們每個人總的、最大的特點就是:有規律、專一、常年堅持。 「僂者承蜩」,說的是孔子在樹林中看到一位駝背老人正在黏蟬,其準確程度就像用手去拿東西一樣容易。孔子感歎覺得太奇妙了,問老人:你有什麼方法技術嗎?老人在向孔子介紹了練習要刻苦的重要性後說:雖然天地廣大,萬物繁多,但是我只看見蟬的翅膀,不回顧也不側視,不讓任何事物來分散我的注意力,這樣做怎能會捉不到蟬呢!孔子聽後對學生說:「用志不分,乃凝於神,其佝僂丈人之謂乎!」 鍛煉身體養生也是一樣,有些人練了一點時間覺著累就不堅持了,也有的人練一段時間覺著收穫不大也不堅持了,只去羨慕人家長壽卻沒了解人家長壽的根本是:一生在求而不追,一切聽其自然的同時,長期的甚至是枯燥的在堅持著自己的一套養生方法。所以我們每一個人在練習太極養生時一定要一點一滴的積累功夫,切不可燥,長期堅持使形體與精神互相結合,表裡完全貫通了,工夫自然會見的。 |
Siu Username: Siu
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Sunday, May 13, 2007 - 11:33 pm: | |
If you are using a PC computer running a Microsoft XP operating system and you cannot read the Chinese characters on our Zhengshe website, do the following. 1. Go to "Start" in the lower left corner of your computer screen. 2. Go to "Control Panel." 3. Go to "Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options." 4. Go to "Add other languages." 5. Check "Install files for East Asian Languages" and click "OK." If your computer prompts you to insert a system CD, follow the instructions given in the prompt. 6. When the Zhengshe website is shown in your Internet Explorer (or another web browser you are using such as Firefox), go to "View" on the top bar menu and then "Encoding" and choose "Unicode (UTF-8)." |
Siu Username: Siu
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Sunday, May 13, 2007 - 11:44 pm: | |
I went to look at the online manual for the "Discus" software which is used for our Zhengshe Bulletin Board. There is an option to put any new message on the top of the message board of any individual topic. I just chose such an option for all the topics on our Zhengshe Bulletin Board. Let me tell you now where and how to set such an option. (1) After you go to Administration and login, click "Options Manager" on the left panel. (2) Inside the "Options Manager", click "Posting" on the top row of choices. (3) Check "Add new messages to top" for each topic. (4) Click "Save Options" at the bottom. |