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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Friday, February 08, 2013 - 09:27 am: | | 希臘神話生物列表 維基百科,自由的百科全書 跳轉到: 導覽、 搜尋 本列表介紹的是希臘神話中的傳說生物: 拉丁語 中文名 描述 Aigipan 埃基潘 Alphito Amphisbaena Argus Panoptes 阿耳戈斯 (百眼巨人) Basilisk 翼蜥 能以眼神致人於死的蛇王。 Calydonian Boar 卡呂冬野豬 狩獵女神阿耳忒彌斯送去蹂躪卡呂冬原野的公野豬,被墨勒阿革洛斯所殺。 Campe 坎珀 長著女人的軀幹和頭,尾巴像蠍子的龍(或蛇)形的怪物,被宙斯所殺。 Carcinus 卡刺努斯 同九頭蛇聯盟共同對抗赫拉克勒斯的巨大螃蟹,它死後被赫拉升上天空成為巨蟹座。 Centaur 肯陶洛斯 一種半人半馬的怪物。他們的上半身是人的軀幹,包括手和頭,下半身則是馬身,也包括軀乾和四腿。 Cerberus 刻耳柏洛斯 冥界的三頭看門犬。 Ceryneian Hind 刻律涅牝鹿 共有五隻,赤色,體大勝牛馬,金角銅蹄,飛跑起來,疾逾離弦之箭。是阿耳忒彌斯的座駕。捕捉刻律涅牝鹿是赫拉克勒斯的第三項偉績。 Ceto 刻托 半蛇半魚,鯨魚座 Charybdis 卡律布狄斯 吞噬船隻的海怪。代表卡力布狄斯大漩渦。 Chimera 喀邁拉 上半身像獅子,中間像山羊,下半身像惡龍的噴火怪物。 Chiron 喀戎 以和善及智慧著稱的半人馬,珀耳修斯、忒修斯、阿基里斯、伊阿宋和赫拉克勒斯以及醫藥之神阿斯克勒庇俄斯的導師。 Cretan Bull 克里特公牛 海神波塞冬賜給彌諾斯的一頭純白公牛。捕捉克里特公牛是赫拉克勒斯的十二偉績之一。 Hellhounds 地獄獵犬 刻耳柏洛斯的別稱。 Dragons 龍 《伊利亞特》中阿伽門農的劍上有藍色的龍的圖案,他的胸口的護甲上則畫著三頭龍的圖案。不過希臘神話中的龍多指巨大的蛇怪。 Echidna 厄客德娜 半人半蛇的怪物。她的上半身是美貌的女子,下半身卻是蛇的軀體(有時有兩條蛇尾)。 Erymanthian Boar 厄律曼托斯山的野豬 長年居住於厄律曼托斯山上的野豬。捕捉厄律曼托斯山的野豬是赫拉克勒斯的十二偉績之一。 Griffins 獅鷲 擁有獅子的身體及鷹的頭、喙和翅膀的傳說中的生物。 Harpies 哈耳庇厄 長著女人的頭,卻有著禿鷲的身體、翅膀和利爪,而且性格殘忍、兇惡的怪物。 Hippocampi 海馬 前半身為馬後半身為魚尾的生活在海洋裡的馬,海神們的坐騎。 Hydra / Lernaean Hydra 許德拉 有九個頭的大蛇。殺死九頭蛇是赫拉克勒斯的十二偉績之一。 Laelaps 萊拉普斯 從不會失敗的獵犬,宙斯送給歐羅巴的禮物。後來成為大犬座。 Ladon 拉冬 百頭巨龍,赫斯珀裡得斯姊妹所守護的金蘋果樹上的衛兵。被前來盜取金蘋果的赫拉克勒斯所殺,死後被提升至空中,成為天龍座。 Lycanthrope 萊卡翁 希臘神話中的狼人 Mares of Diomedes 狄俄墨得斯牝馬 生性邪惡的食肉馬。制服狄俄墨得斯的牝馬是赫拉克勒斯的十二偉績之一。 Mermaid 人魚 上半身是人(多為女性)下半身是魚的身體的水生生物。希臘神話中的人魚常用哀怨動人的歌聲,迷惑過往的船夫。 Minotaur 彌諾陶洛斯 克里特國王彌諾斯之妻帕西淮與克里特公牛發生反常性關係而生出來的牛頭人身的怪物。最後被忒修斯所殺。 Nemean Lion 涅墨亞獅子 常年盤踞涅墨亞的巨獅。殺死涅墨亞獅子是赫剌克勒斯十二項偉績的頭一件。 Nymph 寧芙 希臘神話中的大自然化身。 Ophiotaurus 歐菲歐陶洛斯 半蛇半牛的雜交生物。 Orthrus 雙頭犬 雙頭蛇尾的狗。由泰坦神革律翁飼養,牠負責守護厄律忒亞島上的牛。最後被赫剌克勒斯殺死。 Pegasus 珀伽索斯 長有雙翼的飛馬。後來成為天馬座。 Phoenix 菲尼克司 火鳥的一種。每隔五百年左右,菲尼克司便會採集各種有香味的樹枝或草葉,並將之疊起來後引火自焚,最後留下來的灰燼中會出現重生的幼鳥。 Python 皮同 居住於德爾斐地方的巨蟒。 Satyr 薩堤爾 潘與戴奧尼索斯的複合體的精靈。 Scylla 斯庫拉 被喀耳刻由水仙女所變成的吞吃水手的女海妖。她的身體有六個頭十二隻腳,並且有貓的尾巴。 Sphinx 斯芬克斯 雌性的有翼獅身人面的邪惡之物,代表著神的懲罰。因為被俄狄浦斯猜中其出的謎語,而跳崖自殺。 Spectre 幽鬼 鬼魂的一種。 Stymphalian Birds 斯廷法利斯湖怪鳥 棲居在斯廷法利斯湖畔的一群怪鳥。殺死斯廷法利斯湖怪鳥是赫剌克勒斯的第六項功績。 Teumessian fox 透墨索斯惡狐 一隻據說從來不能被獵取的巨大的狐狸。
希臘神話 希臘神話中常出現人換化成植物的故事。太陽神Helios 的兒子Phaethon,要求Helios 讓他駕日車,卻因控制不當而造成大地的災難,Zeus 為此用雷電把他打入厄里達諾斯河。Phaethon 的姐妹們哀痛Phaethon 之死,傷心站在河邊,結果都變成了白楊樹。 傳說 Pan 和北風神Boreas 一起追求自然女神Pitys,Pitys 較喜歡Pan,北風神因而把她吹落斷崖,當Pan 發現她已經死了後,就把她變成樅樹,樅樹也因此成為Pan 的聖樹。 Pan 愛上了自然女神Syrinx,而Syrinx 卻變成各種東西來躲避他,最後她央求姊姊把她變成一大叢蘆葦(giant reeds,Arundo donax),躲在阿而卡迪亞 (Arcadia)的拉東河裡,Pan 就折了不同長度的蘆葦,並用蜜臘接縫,因此造 出一支牧羊人之笛。 1神話傳說祭典與花語中的植物 Apollo 愛上了河神Ladon 的女兒Daphne,她是一個美麗而害羞的女孩,為了逃避Apollo 的追求,她逃到她的母親Gaia 那裡,且被變成了一棵月桂樹(Laurel,Laurus nobilis)。 Apollo 寵愛米西亞國王Telephus 之子Cyparissus。Cyparissus 因誤殺自己喜愛的鹿,悲痛不能自己,Apollo 因此把他化為柏樹。 Narcissus,為一美少年,自然女神愛上他,但Narcissus 拒絕了她,致使自然女神憔悴而死,其它自然女神為了報復,讓Narcissus 愛上自己水中的影子,最後也使他得不到所愛的對象憔悴而死(一說是滑入水中而溺死),他死後在這個 地方長出有金色花冠的水仙花。 Adonis 在狩獵中被野豬撞傷致死,傳說他流的血長出紅色的pheasant eye (Adonis annua)或秋牡丹(anemone,Anemone coronaria),而悲傷的Aphrodite 流下的眼淚則化為白玫瑰。}
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Friday, January 13, 2012 - 03:21 pm: | |
三藩市培正同學會2011年同學日 去年八月,會長孫必興希望我幫忙寫這篇同學日的報導。本來是一件很光榮的任務的,可惜這不是a piece of cake,不敢亂啃。原因之一:如果對同學日沒有統籌全局的體驗、或親力親為去執行各項活動,根本就沒有發言權。任你講得天花亂墜,不外是隔靴搔癢而矣。原因之二:我對同學日的認識甚少。同學日我只参加過两次。第一次2003年,第二次是2010年正社金禧。第一次因正社同學参加人數不多,要與別社同學搭枱。感覺上還不如正社同學自己的聚會來得無拘無束,暢所欲言,因此就沒有再参加了。前年2010我参加了,但是正式報名的,是臨時〝被决定〞的。因倍北上來灣區参加金禧的洛杉磯同學到天使島,回到碼頭時〝被說服〞和〝被箍頸〞到康年酒家的。這就是我参加過和對同學日所有的認識了。 矮人看戲,除了見到人頭湧湧、場面壯觀、氣氛熱鬧外,還能說什麽短長?所以我一推再推都不肯答應下來,希望他另請高人。會長孫必興厲害就在沾粘連隨不丟頂。他一招【放心,資料全部供給】把我的【如封似閉】封得連退路都關閉了。他的太極好像比我曾一度用來揾食的家生還高两籌。我真有點懐疑他是不是得孫家太極掌門人孫祿堂的真傳?果然不出所料,會後不久便從電郵收到以下他從原始資料整理出來的統計數字和名單列表。 ─────────────────────────────────── 同學日晚会有326人報名參加, 。值得一提是: a. 最年長是1933年奮社, 最年青是2011年卓社 -- 代表78年來培正的歷史 b. 級社最多人參加: 1) 71年剛社(52人); 2) 61年善社(43人); 3) 51年明社(16人) c. 50多人從外地來 – 南加省(30人), 加拿大(3人), 香港(3人), 其他來自美各大城市, 71年 剛社又居首位(31) d. 五年內第一次出現參加銀禧同學 e. 71 剛社男同學穿粉藍外衣, 女同學穿粉紅外衣, 特別觸目 f. 善社及Sandra Yip 報效蛋糕, 有生日會氣氛 g. 抽獎紅酒及See’s candies最受人歡迎 h. 鄺伯介紹建造黃啟明校長紀念堂講辭激動 i. 最完整一條龍: 11禧社, 共111人參加大巡遊 =============================================================== 年級 社名 姓名 備註 巡游 1941 磐 劉建元 金鑽禧 - 70 (夫人) 2 2 1946 雁 冼玉佩 藍星禧 - 65 1 1946 雁 周亮高 藍星禧 - 65 1 1946 雁 張周素芳 藍星禧 - 65 (丈夫) 2 1946 雁 陳英祿 藍星禧 - 65 (夫人) 2 1946 雁 吳衛國 藍星禧 - 65 1 1946 雁 黃錫文 藍星禧 - 65 (夫人) 2 9 1951 明 譚振德 鑽禧 - 60 (夫人) 2 1951 明 李伯豪 鑽禧 - 60 (夫人) 2 1951 明 吳培澤 鑽禧 - 60 1 1951 明 徐素明 鑽禧 - 60 1 1951 明 譚潤頤 鑽禧 - 60 (夫人) 1 1951 明 黃琪植 鑽禧 - 60 (夫人) 2 1951 明 傅忠樂 鑽禧 - 60 1 1951 明 劉方正 鑽禧 - 60 (夫人) 2 1951 明 伍國廷 鑽禧 - 60 1 13 1956 瑩 李偉方 翡翠禧 - 55 1 1 1961 善 胡劍豪 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 單寶珠 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 馮啟生 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 許 行 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 周哲賜 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 甄旭輝 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 雷鐵源 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 何鈿德 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 溫健民 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 陳時中 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 朱佩嫦 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 朱念之 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 鄧殷能 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 阮卓林 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 王耀祥 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 李威漢 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 黃鎮棠 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 胡炎章 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 余光源 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 蔡德成 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 余定一 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 梁潔貞 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 楊謙珍 金禧 - 50 1 1961 善 楊秀琼 金禧 - 50 1 24 1966 皓 張均策 藍寶石禧 - 45 1 1966 皓 梁永焯 藍寶石禧 - 45 1 1966 皓 黃希真 藍寶石禧 - 45 1 1966 皓 陳行方 藍寶石禧 - 45 1 1966 皓 方 漢 藍寶石禧 - 45 1 1966 皓 顧海銘 藍寶石禧 - 45 1 1966 皓 王瑋瑋 藍寶石禧 - 45 1 7 1971 剛 劉雄恩 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 李樹成 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 岑志仁 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 趙麗誕 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 李群芳 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 王炎華 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 張世安 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 岑雪玲 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 陳健兒 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 陳惠娟 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 鍾瑞容 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 梁友瓊 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 張耀鴻 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 黃玉影 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 胡樹群 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 陳基業 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 歐陽文德 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 許永達 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 關頤賦 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 關敏儀 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 郭耀禔 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 馬邦洪 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 1971 剛 史振達 紅寶石禧 - 40 1 拜讀完以上的資料後,我明白當初他為什麼叫我不必担心了。原來他這招【放心,資料全部供給】比方便麵(Instant noodles) 還方便。不但供給主料、配料,連調味需要的油塩醬醋都一小包一小包放在包裝之內。我唯一要做的就是加熱水和放調味便ready to eat了。 大家可能都聽過〝眼前有景道不得,崔顥題詩在上頭。〞這两句傳說是【唐】詩人李白的打油詩吧!。這就是我現在的心情了。若想多了觧2011年三藩市培正同學日,請閱讀孫必興會長的〝崔顥黄鶴樓題詩〞吧!下面的話就毋須我去添足了。 |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Thursday, October 06, 2011 - 07:38 pm: | |
2011/10月6日回黄遐李裕等人之電郵 美國是一個多民族國家。亞裔佔總人口只4-5%。非裔佔美國總人口13%左右,拉美裔人口占美国总人口的16%,白人佔64%。 亞裔能從被歧視而轉到不再被一些政府機構當作少數族裔來看待,主要是家庭重視教育和肯勤儉吃苦,個人用功。 高収入之工作若按人口比例來算,幾年前已高於非裔、拉美裔,與白人了。駱家輝的故事,只是亞裔提升的一個例子而矣,還有很多不為人知的與駱一樣的故事。現在三藩市和屋崙之市長是姓李和姓關的。 若說是種族歧視,亞裔本來受到的種族歧視比其他種族還更甚一些,言語障礙,人口少,政治冷感,自掃門前雪,不成為社會上一種力量。 亞裔現在才開始對政治、選舉重視。選舉期間各族政客也把華埠當作是一個選站了,華人選票也愈來愈受重視,到華埠呼吁華人出來投票的新聞也愈来愈多。華人选票是否起决定性作用?我沒有調查,手头沒有統計數字,不好說。 拉美裔人口占美国总人口的16%。非裔佔美國總人口13%。拉美裔和非裔因家庭,一般來說,不像亞裔對教育的重視,個人也沒有亞裔的刻苦勤勞。像童話螞蟻与蝗虫中的蝗虫。雖受各種各樣的優待,結果,還是失業大軍中主要成員,犯罪人口中的多數。(黒人犯罪率是總犯罪人數的49%) 爭取民族權利方面,非裔比亞裔起步早,而且人口比例也多過亞裔,早已成為一種社會力量,政客或公众人物誰都得罪不起。怕被帶上種族歧視之帽子,白人、和 公眾人物一般都謹言慎行。 我用亞裔來反証,主要是想說,種族歧視是一個歷史上遺留下來之污點。但種族歧視是可以擺脫的,如果你這民族肯爭氣,肯奮斗,自強不息,別人就會對你尊重,如果不自愛,自暴自棄,事無大小都推到種族歧視的刀口上。很可能再过200年還是沉淪而不是提升,種族歧視還是絲毫不改。因為歧視不是來自你是黄是紅是白是黒的膚色,而是你的行為、你的表現、你的能力。誰會去歧視前國務卿 Condoleezza Rice ?誰會去歧視現任總統和他的夫人? 非裔受歧視,當然有,但不能把所有不公平都說成是種族歧視。如果你長期生活在美國,你會清楚看到,很多非裔以為是種族問題其實是階級問題。 |
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Plim Username: Plim
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Monday, October 11, 2010 - 11:27 am: | |
We made it to London safely. We walked around sightseeing, now waiting to check in and take a nap. Love, Philip and Toven ___________________________________________ Send us some pictures, Babamama ___________________________________________ I will try; we took pictures today. The jet-lag is setting in now. We napped from 1:30 to 6pm. There is a computer in the lobby we get to use, so I will try to send the pictures. Lucky for us the weather was perfect today; 60 degrees and clouds in the sky!!! ___________________________________________ |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Sunday, November 22, 2009 - 11:47 pm: | |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, September 09, 2009 - 05:48 pm: | | Oirase Stream Oirase Stream is a picturesque mountain stream in Aomori Prefecture that is one of Japan's most famous and popular autumn colors destinations. The stream flows along the floor of the Oirase Gorge, winding among trees which, while a lush green in spring and summer, turn brilliant shades of red, yellow and orange from late October through early November. Over a dozen waterfalls cascade down into the stream all along its length from the walls of the gorge. Oirase Stream is the only outlet draining Lake Towada. It starts at Nenokuchi where there is a bus stop and a boat pier with connections to nearby Yasumiya Town. An easy-to-walk hiking trail leads along the most scenic, upper passage of the stream between Nenokuchi and Ishigedo, with many bridges, waterfalls and bus stops along the way. The trail is about 9 kilometers long and takes about 2.5 hours to walk one way. Unfortunately for hikers, a busy road runs alongside the Oirase Stream, often crisscrossing the stream and hiking trail. This can be a distraction from the natural surroundings, although the traffic noise is somewhat overpowered by the rushing stream and absorbed into the forest. At the same time, the buses that travel on this route provide convenient transportation along the stream and an escape from bad weather. Many cars and tour buses travel through here, and there is a good view of much of the stream from the road. It has become so congested in recent years, though, that it is now closed to cars on certain days during the peak tourist season in autumn. Free parking is available in Yasumiya and Yakeyama. How to get there The Oirase hiking trail runs between Nenokuchi and Ishigedo with multiple bus stops along the way. The hike can be made in either direction, utilizing buses for the return journey. There is roughly one bus per hour between Yasumiya (Towadako bus stop) and either Aomori City (165 minutes, 3000 yen) or Hachinohe (135 minutes, 2600 yen). The buses run along Oirase Stream, serving all the bus stops along the hiking trail, including Nenokuchi and Ishigedo. The Towada Lake excursion boats provide an alternative to buses for transportation between Yasumiya and Nenokuchi. The cruise, which offers excellent views of Towadako's forests from the water, takes 50 minutes and costs 1400 yen one way. How to get to and around Towada ow to get to and around Towada Lake Towada 十和田湖 Lake Towada is Japan's third deepest lake (326m) and lies 400m above sea level. The volcanic crater it occupies is 44km in circumference and its rim reach up to 1000m. It is located at the boundary of Aomori and Akita prefectures, in the Towada-Hachimantai National Park, and is one of Tohoku's most popular attraction. Almost 3 million people visit the area every year. The three main touristical centers around the lake are Yasumiya, Utarube and Nenoguchi. There are various youth hostels, minshuku and camp grounds around, as well boat tours on the lake. Oirase Valley 奥入瀬川 All visit to the Lake Towada area shouldn't be complete without hiking up or down the Oirase-gawa Valley, between Nenoguchi and Ishigedo. The valley is made of fresh, mossy green forest, small boulder-crashing waterfalls. The high-season is in autumn, with its resplendent red and yellow foliage, but the lush greenery of spring and summer rank high too. The hike is about 5km on the map and takes about three and a half hour the way up to Ishigedo. How to get there The JR Bus Tohoku leave Aomori station for Lake Towada (¥3000) regularily in the morning and early afternoon from April to early November. They also stop at Oirase-keiryu Onsen, Towadako Onsenkyo, Yakeyama, Ishigedo, Nenoguchi and Utarube. Buses to Towada-ko cost ¥2,600 from Hachinohe or ¥2,420 from Morioka. Note that only some of the JR Bus Tohoku can be used with the Japan Railpass (eg. 2pm from Morioka and 9am to Morioka). For a complete timetable visit the JR Bus Tohoku's official site. =================================================== The Lake Towada Sightseeing Bus Routes. AREA MAP and TIME TABLE View Larger Map |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, September 08, 2009 - 11:53 am: | | 奥入瀨溪流
![Oirase4.jpg]( 以十和田湖的子之口(子ノ口)為源流的奥入瀨溪流,成為奔流,沖洗長滿了青苔的岩石,有時快速的流過,有時放慢速度,途中迎接左右兩旁大大小小各有特色的瀑布,最後流入廣大的河原而到達燒山。比起十和田湖的静態湖水美,被很深的自然林包圍、總長14.2公里的奥入瀨溪流展開充滿了由千變萬化的水流所產生的躍動感。溪流兩岸的斷崖稱為溶結凝灰岩,是輕石頭和火山灰在高溫的状態堆積,因為熱量與自己的重量所產生,使得奥入瀨溪流的景觀更加有迫力。
![Oirase6.jpg]( 因為十和田湖有自然調整流量的功能,所以奥入瀨溪流沒有大洪水,自古以來就維持著細微又優美的獨特的溪流美。也因為奥入瀨溪流不需要擔心洪水的問題,沿著溪流邊設有與溪流同樣高度的步道和車道。行走步道,沿途可以欣賞到瀑布、激流、小溪、小島、岩石、池子等景勝地。由於豐富的水流變化,締造出美麗的溪流之美,而每個溪流都依激流的型態來命名,如阿修羅之流,飛金之流,白銀之流,萬兩之流等。
在奥入瀨溪流中瀑布最多也最有看頭,共有銚子大瀑布、九段瀑布、不老瀑布、雙龍瀑布等14個著名瀑布。每個瀑布都有其特色與看點,所以其步道又稱為「瀑布街道」。其中以寬約15公尺、落差7公尺,也是奥入瀨溪流本流中唯一的瀑布銚子大瀑布規模最大也最具代表。其水量之大,形成一個壯觀的景觀。因為銚子大瀑布落差極大與水量又多,又名止魚瀑布(魚止めの滝),使得魚兒無法游至上流,導至十和田湖沒有魚類。特別是在雪剛溶化後的新緑季節水量會特別的多。 走完整個路程需要5個多小時,高度差也有200公尺。雖然有一點累,但是沿途有溪流美景和清新空氣等陪伴,使得這趟旅遊難以忘記,更不會感到無聊。 4月下旬隨著雪的溶化,新芽慢慢的露出頭來。5月上旬,在自然歩道兩旁,百花逐漸齊放而迎接夏天。到了10月上旬,由十和田湖的外輪山開始的楓葉到了中旬降落到奥入瀨溪流。走在這清澈見底溪流旁的步道,看著黃紅綠等各樣顏色交織成森的景色,心情愉悅輕鬆。轉眼之間,藍色的天空漂著雪花。溪流的石頭逐漸的積雪,瀑布開始結冰。進入冬天的奥入瀨溪流充滿了雪與氷的造形美。 如同日本明治時期紀行文作家大町桂月(1869年~1925年)所評「要住住日之本,要玩玩十和田,要走走奥入瀨的三里半(三里半相當於現在的14公里)」(住まば日の本、遊ばば十和田、歩きゃ奥入瀬の三里半),唯有在沿著溪流的自然歩道上散步才能體驗到奥入瀨溪流的魅力,是神賜予的自然探險道路。也因如此奥入瀨溪流不止是月曆的題材也是溪釣和人氣的郊外寫生景點。沿路有時會看到畫家揮筆創作。 奥入瀨溪流在1928年(日本昭和3年)被指定為名勝以及天然記念物。1936年(日本昭和11年)被指定為十和田八幡平國立公園。1952年(日本昭和27年)升級為特別名勝以及天然記念物。 |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, September 08, 2009 - 10:03 am: | |, 日本紅葉情報/深入奧入瀨溪流 體驗秋楓美景 【大台灣旅遊網TTNews記者李傳溎】 秋天是賞楓好時節,許多人更嚮往到日本親身感受滿山楓樹紅葉美景,每年10月中開始,日本東北地區楓葉開始轉紅,從東京往北走來到被譽為「日本最美溪流」的奧入瀨溪流賞楓,更是見極為享受的事。 明治時代著名的文人大町桂月,就曾以「居住的話,日本;漫遊的話,十和田;步行的話,奧入瀨三里半」來歌頌奧入瀨的美景,奧入瀨溪流是十和田唯一流出的河川,從十和田胡畔的「子口」出發,沿著溪流旁的森林步道一直到「燒山」,全長約14公里,全程走完約要費時5小時。 太平洋旅行社蔣主任表示,不用擔心腳程腳力不夠,沿著奧入瀨溪流悠閒的散步,子口到燒山之間共有7個站牌,走累了就可以到巴士站搭乘巴士到目的地。沿岸的風光明媚,遍佈的扁柏、山毛櫸、楓樹等原始森林,林相皆相當完整。 而引人入勝的還有,溪流中有個是大大小小的瀑布,有高達25公尺的雲井瀑布,水量豐沛的銚子大瀑布,及瀑布散成珠狀的玉簾和白絲瀑布等,在周圍楓紅及紅葉的映襯下,美不勝收,此景更常是熱愛攝影的旅客,相機不停閃動的最佳取景地之一。 奧入瀨溪流,是這次北東北行的重心所在 即便是從東京成田進出,也希望能把行程安排好一點 Wikipedia是這樣介紹的 奥入瀬渓流(おいらせけいりゅう)は、青森県十和田市十和田湖畔子ノ口(ねのくち)から焼山までの約14kmの奥入瀬川の渓流である。渓流沿いには、車道とともに遊歩道が整備されている。渓流沿いにはいくつもの滝が点在し、この道は「瀑布街道」とも呼ばれている。十和田湖への魚の遡上を阻止してきた魚止めの滝でもある銚子大滝をはじめとして、阿修羅の流れ、雲井の滝等多くの景勝地がある。新緑、紅葉の時期は特に美しく 日本觀光振興協會是這樣介紹: 遍佈扁柏、山毛櫸、楓樹的原始森林 清冽的溪流和大小各異的瀑布 沿溪流漫步,可一路欣賞身邊的自然美景。這裏有蒼鬱茂密的大樹, 飛濺的水珠,還有浮在水面上的蘚苔和藤蔓纏繞的岩石,真是美不勝收。 奧入瀨溪流沿途大大小小的各種瀑布也值得一看。有高達 25 米的雲井瀑,水量豐沛的銚子大瀑布,以及水流散成珠狀飛落而下的玉簾瀑和白絲瀑等,展現了特色各異的風姿 沿著溪流漫步,全程約需 5 個小時。也可以乘坐與散步路平行的國道上行駛的巴士觀光。另外,子之口與燒山兩處均有自行車出租,可以從一頭借上騎到另一頭還車,十分方便。 旅行記事 奧入瀨溪之前看著別人的照片,也覺得這是夢幻之地。 在這六天的旅程裡,心裡是很期待的。 每天都一直看著外頭的樹木,好期待快一點變紅。 離開八戶,搭乘JR巴士沿著日本的公路,前往謎之地 不過早晨的朝市令人疲憊,就在巴士上睡著了 當車子抵達石戶時,精神為之一振 本來預計行李於石戶托運到子之口 卻意料外停止了 只好先將行李至於這兒的商店 屆時走完全程之後,在搭車回來領行李 石戶前整裝待發,沿著溪流小徑, 開始朝著子之口前進 初見謎之地的奧入瀨溪 使得前200公尺走了半個小時 於10:40從石戶出發,走到子之口的時間是15:15分 沿路上的小徑,有時只有我,有時有著C君幫我偷照 我覺得可以挑幾個路段行走即可 畢竟沿溪的景色都不會改變太多 這是一條怎麼拍照都很漂亮的溪流 但,個人覺得跟其他的溪流並沒有什麼太大的差別 其他的溪流也是很美的 至少我來了這謎之地,期待的謎之地 很開心 來此記得帶腳架,樹蔭遮住許多光線 快門會有點久,就容易手振了 ================================ 交通 前往奧入瀨溪的方式有很多 青森/盛岡/八戶/鹿角花輪/十和田南/大館/弘前/仙台 都會有巴士到十和田湖 可是並非像電車、新幹線一樣密集 考量乘車時間與抵達時間,最後決定由八戶進出 1.從南部到青森實在是太遠了,還不若由八戶進,乘車時間 比較少。 2.本想由盛岡過去,但抵達十和田湖是11:50,還需搭車前往子之口 似乎又麻煩了一些。 3.預計離開十和田湖搭乘羽後巴士前往鹿角花輪,再搭乘JR花輪線 前往八幡平湯瀨溫泉散策,最後沒規劃好,胎死腹中。 (9:30抵達鹿角花輪,9:34前往湯瀨溫泉,由於花輪線的車次太少 怕沒有把握) 由八戶前往石戶的車資是2000 yen 由十和田湖回八戶的車資是2600 yen 其實這一趟的車費,還蠻昂貴的。 八戶站的乘車地點是在JR八戶站西口 搭乘電梯或電扶梯下來,就可以看到開往十和田湖的巴士 票可以在JR窗口購買,或上車投現 當然JR PASS可以cover 注意事項: 本來是預計行李由石戶寄存 於子之口領行李,但石戶這一個點已經關閉 要從燒山才能寄存行李,然後到子之口認領。 到了石戶,行李不能寄到子之口,一整個傻眼, 本來想要拉著行李一起走,可是山林小徑要怎麼拉 (雖然是沿著公路而行) 石戶商店願意讓我免費寄存,待我走到子之口在乘車取回 其實現在想想不一定要住在十和田湖,奧入瀨溪走完 就可以拉車回八戶,再轉至仙台,又省去白天搭車的時間。
. 金兆 子 瀑布)
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, March 17, 2009 - 10:43 am: | |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2008 - 07:24 am: | |
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Tlim Username: Tlim
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Monday, January 14, 2008 - 02:39 am: | |
Look at those masterpieces! |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 05:11 pm: | |
For those who have sons & those of us who are happy that we don't.
And you also find out interesting things when you have sons, like ... 1. A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 sq. ft. house 4 inches deep. 2. If you spray hair spray on dust bunnies and run over them with roller blades, they can ignite. 3. A 3-year old Boy's voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant. 4. If you hook a dog leash over a ceiling fan, the motor is not strong enough to rotate a 42 pound Boy wearing Batman underwear and a Superman cape. It is strong enough, however, if tie d to a paint can, to spread paint on all four walls of a 20x20 ft. room. 5. You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on. When using a c ei ling fan as a bat, you have to throw the ball up a few times before you get a hit. A ceiling fan can hit a baseball a long way. 6. The glass in win dows (even double-pane) doesn't stop a baseball hit by a ceiling fan. 7. When you hear the toilet flush and the words "uh oh", it's already too late. 8. Brake fluid mixed with Clorox makes smoke, and lots of it. 9. A six-year old Boy can start a fire with a flint rock even though a 36-year old Man says they can only do it in the movies. 10. Certain Lego's will pass through the digestive tract of a 4- year old Boy. 11. Play dough and microwave should not be used in the same sentence. 12. Super glue is forever. 13. No matter how much Jell-O you put in a swimming pool you still can't walk on water. 14. Pool filters do not like Jell-O. 15. VCR's do not eject "PB & J" sandwiches even though TV commercials show they do. 16. Garbage ba gs do not make good parachutes. 17. Marbles in gas tanks make lots of noise when driving. 18. You probably DO NOT want to know what that odor is.<b> 19. Always look in the oven before you turn it on; plastic toys do not like ovens. 20. The fire department in Austin , TX has a 5-minute response time. 21. The spin cycle on the washing machine does not make earthworms dizzy. 22. It will, however, make cats dizzy. 23. Cats throw up twice their body weight when dizzy. 24. 80% of Women will pass this on to almost all of their friends, with or without kids. 25. 80% of Men who read this will try mixing the Clorox and brake fluid. |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 02:58 pm: | |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 09:27 am: | | Algae like green oil paint covers China lake (Reuters) Updated: 2007-06-01 21:12 WUXI - Officials promised swift steps on Friday to clean up China's third-largest lake after algae, floating like green oil paint, choked off water to this city of more than 2.3 million amid a public outcry about pollution. Taihu Lake in Jiangsu province has been struck by a rapidly spreading canopy of algae which has left water supplies for nearby Wuxi undrinkable. Convoys of trucks have been bringing bottled water for residents, with the supermarket price slashed by government order to stop profiteering. Queues were forming at some shops and some stall-holders were charging extra for the water -- and charging separately for the bottle that contained it, one resident said. Thick slicks of the algae hugged the lake edge, giving off an overpowering smell of rotting meat. A stone thrown into it took a long time to sink. The tap water in the hotel had the same smell. "The government said it is safe to drink boiled water," said a 65-year-old retired worker surnamed Wang. "But it has a green film on the surface. How can I drink it?" Many of China's lakes and rivers are threatened by run-off from fertilisers, industrial waste and untreated sewage. Algae blooms can burst out in water that is rich in nutrients from farm and domestic run-off, which Taihu Lake has in abundance. The provincial Communist Party chief, Li Yuanchao, said the water was improving as officials drew flows from the Yangtze River and stopped pumping in waste, according to a report posted by the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) ( But he acknowledged the scare exposed deeper failings. "In future development we must be determined to make stronger efforts to clean up Taihu Lake and ensure its water quality and safety," Li said. Small chemical plants around the lake must be closed and more waste water plants must be built, he ordered. Xinhua, citing an official with the Ministry of Health, said the government planned to extend its drinking water monitoring network this year to include more rural areas. A Wuxi official, Zhu Zhongxian, claimed the water was now safe -- despite the stench. "Water quality on every indicator meets national standards and it's not toxic," the Nanjing Morning Post quoted him as saying. Rockets containing silver iodide were fired at eight spots around the lake to induce artificial rainfall to help flush out the algae, Xinhua news agency reported. But residents and media said the emergency steps exposed a long-term failure to protect lakes and rivers, battered by pollution and strained by population and economic growth. In 2005, millions of residents of Harbin in northeast China had their taps turned off for weeks after a toxic spill. The problem was a symptom of widespread environmental destruction threatening water sources, said one commentator. "Along with our country's rapid economic growth there's been a constant build-up of pollution and checks on it have lagged," said the commentary on the Web site of the People's Daily, the Communist Party's newspaper ( "Our country's environmental protection has reached a crisis point." Ding Luhui, a sales manager of a lakeside property project, said clients had called him up to ask about the pollution and he was worried about cancellations. "I can't see any effect on sales yet," he said. "But maybe it is too early to say." |
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Tlim Username: Tlim
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 - 11:54 pm: | |
May 22, 2007 Books of The Times Al Gore Speaks of a Nation in Danger By MICHIKO KAKUTANI In The Assault on Reason Al Gore excoriates George W. Bush, asserting that the president is out of touch with reality, that his administration is so incompetent that it cant manage its own way out of a horse show, that it ignored clear warnings about the terrorist threat before 9/11 and that it has made Americans less safe by stirring up a hornets nest in Iraq, while using the language and politics of fear to try to drive the public agenda without regard to the evidence, the facts or the public interest. The administrations pursuit of unilateralism abroad, Mr. Gore says, has isolated the United States in an ever more dangerous world, even as its efforts to expand executive power at home and relegate the Congress and the courts to the sidelines have undermined the constitutional system of checks and balances. The former vice president contends that the fiasco in Iraq stems from President Bushs use of a counterfeit combination of misdirected vengeance and misguided dogma to dominate the national discussion, bypass reason, silence dissent and intimidate those who questioned his logic both inside and outside the administration. He argues that the gruesome acts of torture committed at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq were a direct consequence of the culture of impunity encouraged, authorized and instituted by President Bush and former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. And he writes that the violations of civil liberties committed by the Bush-Cheney administration including its secret authorization of the National Security Agency to eavesdrop without a court order on calls and e-mail messages between the United States and other countries, and its suspension of the rights of due process for enemy combatants demonstrate a disrespect for Americas Constitution that has now brought our republic to the brink of a dangerous breach in the fabric of democracy. Similar charges have been made by a growing number of historians, political analysts and even former administration insiders, and President Bushs plummeting approval ratings have further emboldened his critics. But Mr. Gore writes not just as a former vice president and the man who won the popular vote in the 2000 election, but also as a possible future candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2008 race for the White House, and the vehemence of his language and his arguments make statements about the Bush administration by already announced candidates like Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton seem polite and mild-mannered in contrast. And yet for all its sharply voiced opinions, The Assault on Reason turns out to be less a partisan, election-cycle harangue than a fiercely argued brief about the current Bush White House that is grounded in copiously footnoted citations from newspaper articles, Congressional testimony and commission reports a brief that is as powerful in making its points about the implications of this administrations policies as the authors 2006 book, An Inconvenient Truth, was in making its points about the fallout of global warming. This volume moves beyond its criticisms of the Bush administration to diagnose the ailing condition of America as a participatory democracy low voter turnout, rampant voter cynicism, an often ill-informed electorate, political campaigns dominated by 30-second television ads, and an increasingly conglomerate-controlled media landscape and it does so not with the calculated, sound-bite-conscious tone of many political-platform-type books, but with the sort of wonky ardor that made both the book and movie versions of An Inconvenient Truth so bluntly effective. Mr. Gores central argument is that reason, logic and truth seem to play a sharply diminished role in the way America now makes important decisions and that the countrys public discourse has become less focused and clear, less reasoned. This assault on reason, he suggests, is personified by the way the Bush White House operates. Echoing many reporters and former administration insiders, Mr. Gore says that the administration tends to ignore expert advice (be it on troop levels, global warming or the deficit), to circumvent the usual policy-making machinery of analysis and debate, and frequently to suppress or disdain the best evidence available on a given subject so it can promote predetermined, ideologically driven policies. Doubts about Saddam Husseins pursuit of weapons of mass destruction were sidestepped in the walk-up to the war: Mr. Gore says that uranium experts at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee told him there was zero possibility that aluminum tubes acquired by Saddam Hussein were for the purpose of nuclear enrichment, but felt intimidated from making any public statement that disagreed with the assertions being made to the people by President Bush. And the Army chief of staff Gen. Eric K. Shinsekis pre-invasion recommendation that several hundred thousand troops would be needed for a successful occupation of Iraq was similarly dismissed. Rather than engaging in a reasoned debate on the question, Mr. Gore writes, administration members undercut Shinseki for disagreeing with their preconceived notion even though he was an expert, and they were not. Moreover, Mr. Gore contends, the administrations penchant for secrecy (keeping everything from the details of its coercive interrogation policy to its National Security Agency surveillance program under wraps) has dismantled the principle of accountability, even as what he calls its unprecedented and sustained campaign of mass deception on matters like Iraq has made true deliberation and meaningful debate by the people virtually impossible. Mr. Gore points out that the White House repeatedly implied that there was a connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, between the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and Iraq, when in fact no such linkage existed. He observes that the administration withheld facts from Congress concerning the cost of the Medicare prescription drug benefit, which turned out to be far higher than the numbers given to Congress by the president. And he contends that it has become common for President Bush to rely on special interests like those represented by the Iraqi exile Ahmad Chalabi before the war, and ExxonMobil on the climate crisis for basic information about the policies important to these interests. When Mr. Gore turns to the larger cultural and social reasons behind the decline of reason in Americas marketplace of ideas, his arguments become fuzzier and less convincing. His argument that radio was essential to the rise and reign of Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini (without the introduction of radio, it is doubtful that these totalitarian regimes would have commanded the obedience of the people in the manner they did) is highly reductive, just as his argument that television has enabled politicians to manipulate mass opinion while preventing individuals from taking part in the national dialogue seems overly simplistic. As for his conviction that the Internet can help re-establish an open communications environment in which the conversation of democracy can flourish, it plays down the more troubling aspects of the Web, like its promotion of rumor and misinformation alongside real information, and its tendency to fuel polarizing, partisan warfare. Part civics lesson, part political jeremiad, part philosophical tract, The Assault on Reason reveals an angry, impassioned Al Gore a far cry from the carefully scripted, earth-tone-wearing Al Gore of the 2000 presidential campaign and the programmed creature of Washington described in the reporter Bill Turques 2000 biography of him, Inventing Al Gore. Much the way that the movie An Inconvenient Truth showed a more accessible Al Gore at ease with himself and passionate about the dangers of global warming this book shows a fiery, throw-caution-to-the winds Al Gore, who, whether or not he runs for the White House again, has decided to lay it all on the line with a blistering assessment of the Bush administration and the state of public discourse in America at this fateful juncture in history. |
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Tlim Username: Tlim
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, May 15, 2007 - 09:00 am: | | 'Walk and work' treadmill helps shed pounds By Roger Highfield, Science Editor Last Updated: 2:17am BST 15/05/2007 Walking while you work might help fat people shed as much as 66 pounds - or nearly five stone - in one year, according to a study published today. Vertical workstations, where office workers use their computers while walking on a treadmill, could shrink waistlines, according to research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. A team led by Prof James Levine, a British scientist at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, compared the energy used at the "walk and work" desk with that used by 15 obese people seated at a conventional desk. None of the participants did any regular exercise. Energy expenditure was measured while working and walking for 35 minutes every hour, compared with that burned while working at a desk. The average energy burned while seated at a desk was 72 calories per hour. This more than doubled to 191 calories an hour while at the vertical workstation and walking at a rate of one mile an hour. The authors calculate that if obese employees used the workstation for a couple of hours a day, they could boost their energy expenditure by 100 calories an hour. That could mean losing between 40 and 70 pounds over the course of a year. Prof Levine said that study participants found the equipment easy to use and were able to work normally. In fact, he said they wanted to continue using it after the study had finished. "Subject after subject said to me 'I want one'," he told The Daily Telegraph. The "walk and work" desk is designed to allow people to work at a computer while walking on a treadmill at a speed of their own choosing. It consists of an H-shaped frame that is supported by four locking rubber wheels, so that it can be moved easily. The frame holds a Plexiglass panel on to which two adjustable arms are bolted - one to hold the computer screen and the other for the keyboard and mouse. According to Prof Levine, who uses the vertical workstation, it is lack of activity, rather than fast food, that marks the major change in modern life, He argues that an increasing reliance on cars, remote controls and escalators are among a raft of modern "innovations" that have contributed to the obesity epidemic, pointing out that by 2010 more than half of the workforce from developed countries will be working at computers. The pilot study suggests that the vertical workstation could help to reverse the rising tide of obesity. It offers a way to provide a small but sustained boost in energy expenditure without changing work habits. Health care costs caused by the obesity epidemic are estimated to be 100 billion a year in the US alone so the ''walk-while-you-work'' desk might prove to be cost effective, says Prof Levine, who has called for bigger trials to be carried out. ----------------------------------- A neat little idea The challenge is to burn a little more energy over a long term, rather than a lot in a single burst. The reason is that the difference between staying trim and ending up with middle-aged spread is down to a tiny change in the balance of energy intake and expenditure. That means that a slim person eats what they consume as energy. Unfortunately, eating just 0.1 per cent too much will add on the pounds. By increasing the amount of time a person stands or walks during the day by around 150 minutes they could shed one pound a week. |