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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, July 02, 2008 - 09:46 pm: | |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2008 - 10:56 pm: | |
ENGLSIH TRANSLATOIN OF KWOK CHUNGMO'S POEM FOR LUMDING'S 70TH BIRTHDAY For a long time I have not seen your inspiring countenance. I missed your open, magnanimous, charismatic personality. Now to the East comes the good news. I remember you well from your Maliaoshui days, full of idealism and youthful enthusiasm. Your footprints in Diamond Hill have long since dissolved back into dust. These are trying times for our nation with unpredictable players and connections. A hermit's good life is no longer an option. You have just emerged from a long period of recuperation, reinvigorated anew from your depth of despair and ready for the challenges ahead. I envy your breakthrough from the writer's life in a study into the role of a martial-arts master passing on your skills. I envy too what, of your life's work of a hundred years, you have already achieved at the age of seventy, even in adverse circumstances like the proud persimmon plant in the scorching sun and the proud plum plant covered by ice. How I wish that the combination of your loyal patriotic heart as the fertile soil and your zeal as the sown seeds is planted everywhere in China! Henceforth your eyes can be fixed on lofty goals on high up in the skies, no need for any more pondering with a bowed head. |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 - 08:40 pm: | |
Happy 70th Birthday to Lumding Who Turns 70 on February 21, 2008
************************************ Wishing you a Happy Birthday from the TAN & HUANGs 林鼎: 我們一家四人 [陳碧華, 黃一彤, 黃一緋及我本人], 在此, 預你七十歲生日快樂! 彤彤現在紐約市當律師, 她的夫婿也是律師. 緋緋在三藩市做 投資銀行的工作, 即將于日內返回香港服務. 請告知緋緋你的地址, 她將于2月21日代表我們三人前往府上向 你祝壽; 她們姐妹兩人于1978-1981年間曾在你家的九龍, 黃 大仙, 蒲崗村, 蒲崗村道, 蒲崗樓D6渡過愉快的童年 緋緋的 電話XXXXXXX 感謝你和令堂在 1970 年代初期至 1980 年初期, 讓我們一家 人在上述住宒單位居住, 我們四人能共享天倫之樂----1971年1月 至8月, 我們被迫離開新加坡, 逃難到香港時; 感謝你讓我們在 蒲崗樓免費居住, 渡過了難關! 你一生熱心于幫人, 見之于大學時代組織的 "大專服務隊"; 你有 自己的性格和事業, 又執著于自己的生活方式; 所以, 你一直是 一個很健康快樂的人----我們兩家的共同朋友梁秉中兄, 近日, 以高票獲選為新一屇人大代表; 他是另一個榜樣: 有自己的性格, 作風, 熱誠; 而在學業和事業上, 亦有其卓越的成就; 更難得, 也也是對朋友和弱勢族群能授予援手的人! [續X和繆XX伉儷,在 我們三家的人生旅途上, 也是難得的伴侶!] 現在, 我們祝福你和嫂夫人 [薄慈女士] 及兒女 健康快樂, 持續成長; 服務社會, 享受人生! 黃枝連啟 2008年2月13日, SSRC-UMAC, MSAR ******************************* 林鼎和各位朋友: 拜读枝连兄给'林鼎'的70大寿贺信,看到如此这般患难之交的故事, 深受感动, 但是一下子想不起来, 心里滴估'林鼎'这个好人是何 方神圣, 直到最后一段看到 '大专[社会]服务队' 和 '梁秉中' 兄等响亮的名字, 才彷然大悟,这位寿星公必定是我们的老队长 林鼎彝! 林鼎,您好! 这是谭汝谦, 在盐田仔等工地为服务队拉二胡、带领 新亚国乐会同学到服务队营地演奏'劳军'、为服务队谱写队歌和工 地小调的傻小子。 我们没有见面,该有40多年了吧?!让我随枝连兄后给您拜寿,祝 您老当益壮,退而不休,继续服务社会。 今年我也67岁数了,还没有退休,也不肯认老,继香港之后在明州 误人子弟。好在美国制度容许我这样做,我还想多干几年呢。 为了update近况一二,请容许我附上两份媒体新近的访问报道。 请保持联系,希望能在不久的将来聚聚。 谭汝谦 2008-2-13 明州 ***********************************
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 - 11:12 pm: | |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2008 - 11:05 am: | |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2008 - 10:54 pm: | |
Dear Lum Ding, We are sorry for not able to come to your 70th birthday party in Oakland today, attached is our specially designed card for you, please show it and read it out to all your guests in the party. We are waiting for you and Betsy to come to HK this year, and we will hold another 70th Birthday party for you here. All the best, good health and long life. Ben, Shing, Amy, Mak, KL and George Your files are attached and ready to send with this message.
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 - 08:36 pm: | |
Happy 70th Birthday to Lumding Who Turns 70 on February 21, 2008
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2008 - 11:32 pm: | |
Happy 70th Birthday to Lumding Who Turns 70 on February 21, 2008
ENGLSIH TRANSLATOIN OF KWOK CHUNGMO'S POEM FOR LUMDING'S 70TH BIRTHDAY For a long time I have not seen your inspiring countenance. I missed your open, magnanimous, charismatic personality. Now to the East comes the good news. I remember you well from your Maliaoshui days, full of idealism and youthful enthusiasm. Your footprints in Diamond Hill have long since dissolved back into dust. These are trying times for our nation with unpredictable players and connections. A hermit's good life is no longer an option. You have just emerged from a long period of recuperation, reinvigorated anew from your depth of despair and ready for the challenges ahead. I envy your breakthrough from the writer's life in a study into the role of a martial-arts master passing on your skills. I envy too what, of your life's work of a hundred years, you have already achieved at the age of seventy, even in adverse circumstances like the proud persimmon plant in the scorching sun and the proud plum plant covered by ice. How I wish that the combination of your loyal patriotic heart as the fertile soil and your zeal as the sown seeds is planted everywhere in China! Henceforth your eyes can be fixed on lofty goals on high up in the skies, no need for any more pondering with a bowed head. *************************************************** 對於詩詞,自認一竅不通。無法對和,只好以『宋』 熊禾之『自壽』對兩位盛情與雅興作答 沁园春(自寿) 熊禾 自笑生身,历事以来,垂六﹙七﹚十年。仿浮沈闾里,半非识面,交游朋友,各已华颠。富贵不来,少年已去,空风悠悠岁月迁。虽然是,壮心一点,犹自依然。 新阳又长天边。人指似山间诗酒仙。算胸次崔嵬,不胜百榼,笔端枯槁,难足千篇。隐几杖藜,相耕听诵,聊看诸郎相后先。余何事,但读书煮茗,日晏高眠。 **********************************************
![Hester1.jpg]( ***********************************************
*********************************************** Dear Lum Ding, We are sorry for not able to come to your 70th birthday party in Oakland today, attached is our specially designed card for you, please show it and read it out to all your guests in the party. We are waiting for you and Betsy to come to HK this year, and we will hold another 70th Birthday party for you here. All the best, good health and long life. Ben, Shing, Amy, Mak, KL and George
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Thursday, February 21, 2008 - 09:29 am: | |
林鼎壽星公老大哥: 謹附上神秘禮物之二,鍾基提供照片、譚婉精心設計的賀咭。且從第一份禮物說起。這部經典浪漫名片,未知賢伉儷曾否看過?倘未看過,當會如譚婉一樣着迷,不忍釋手。倘已看過,不妨當中西片名以至主題樂曲和曲辭,都是憑歌寄意,且看有何體會。 至於賀咭中的打油詩的末二句,則要從「時光倒流七十年」說起。翻查萬年曆找到七十年前老兄呱呱墮地那一天,有一個偉大的發現,原來此日不單是舊曆元宵的中國情人節,還是西曆二月十四日鬼佬情人節,難怪老兄的浪漫加浪漫,竟是命中註定的!這便是「三五團圓夜,情人(和情人節)此夕同」的雙重意義了。 老兄和嫂夫人當然不會忘記,照片中的沙漠中秋明月是我們四個人一起共享而值得永留紀念的。 敬祝年年今日人長健,長毋相忘長相知。 譚婉、鍾基同啓
沁園春詞,夫子自道。略刪歉退之辭,另成絕句: 讀書煮茗晏高眠,壯心一點自依然。胸次崔嵬輕百榼,屋崙山間詩酒仙。 遙想今夕,敬綴一聯 妻賢子孝高朋集 酒美茶香妙論多 鍾基再賀
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Friday, February 22, 2008 - 05:20 pm: | |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 10:31 am: | |
Wishing you a Happy Birthday from the TAN & HUANGs 林鼎: 我們一家四人 [陳碧華, 黃一彤, 黃一緋及我本人], 在此, 預你七十歲生日快樂! 彤彤現在紐約市當律師, 她的夫婿也是律師. 緋緋在三藩市做 投資銀行的工作, 即將于日內返回香港服務. 請告知緋緋你的地址, 她將于2月21日代表我們三人前往府上向 你祝壽; 她們姐妹兩人于1978-1981年間曾在你家的九龍, 黃 大仙, 蒲崗村, 蒲崗村道, 蒲崗樓D6渡過愉快的童年 緋緋的 電話XXXXXXX 感謝你和令堂在 1970 年代初期至 1980 年初期, 讓我們一家 人在上述住宒單位居住, 我們四人能共享天倫之樂----1971年1月 至8月, 我們被迫離開新加坡, 逃難到香港時; 感謝你讓我們在 蒲崗樓免費居住, 渡過了難關! 你一生熱心于幫人, 見之于大學時代組織的 "大專服務隊"; 你有 自己的性格和事業, 又執著于自己的生活方式; 所以, 你一直是 一個很健康快樂的人----我們兩家的共同朋友梁秉中兄, 近日, 以高票獲選為新一屇人大代表; 他是另一個榜樣: 有自己的性格, 作風, 熱誠; 而在學業和事業上, 亦有其卓越的成就; 更難得, 也也是對朋友和弱勢族群能授予援手的人! [續X和繆XX伉儷,在 我們三家的人生旅途上, 也是難得的伴侶!] 現在, 我們祝福你和嫂夫人 [薄慈女士] 及兒女 健康快樂, 持續成長; 服務社會, 享受人生! 黃枝連啟 2008年2月13日, SSRC-UMAC, MSAR ******************************* 林鼎和各位朋友: 拜读枝连兄给'林鼎'的70大寿贺信,看到如此这般患难之交的故事, 深受感动, 但是一下子想不起来, 心里滴估'林鼎'这个好人是何 方神圣, 直到最后一段看到 '大专[社会]服务队' 和 '梁秉中' 兄等响亮的名字, 才彷然大悟,这位寿星公必定是我们的老队长 林鼎彝! 林鼎,您好! 这是谭汝谦, 在盐田仔等工地为服务队拉二胡、带领 新亚国乐会同学到服务队营地演奏'劳军'、为服务队谱写队歌和工 地小调的傻小子。 我们没有见面,该有40多年了吧?!让我随枝连兄后给您拜寿,祝 您老当益壮,退而不休,继续服务社会。 今年我也67岁数了,还没有退休,也不肯认老,继香港之后在明州 误人子弟。好在美国制度容许我这样做,我还想多干几年呢。 为了update近况一二,请容许我附上两份媒体新近的访问报道。 请保持联系,希望能在不久的将来聚聚。 谭汝谦 2008-2-13 明州 |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Monday, February 25, 2008 - 10:54 pm: | |
![fromTeo&wennie.jpg]( |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Friday, February 29, 2008 - 09:17 am: | |
Dear Lum Ding: My heartiest and sincere congratulations to your 70th birthday. I am still in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and will return to the States in early March. I will contact you soon. If I missed your celebrations, I wish I could make it up after I return. John ******************************************* 林學兄雅鑒: 好一個”屋崙山,淵明似”. 學兄的修為,盡在其中矣! 祝”從今後,仰九天高處,何須低徊?” (借用郭同學詞) 學妹 鄭金枝 ******************************************** Master Lum, It was great talking with you today. I apologize for being unable to attend your birthday celebration in the Bay Area. However, knowing you were in the company of good friends on that special occasion was a big relief to me. Master Lum, while low key and humble, is a fiercely competitive person at heart, as repeatedly demonstrated in his take-no-prisoner philosophy in table tennis matches. Well-versed in many fields of knowledge, he never ceases to amaze me each time we interacted. He is a true talent and a rare breed among a graduating class of crouching tigers and hidden dragons. While I still am unwilling to abandon my goal of defeating him at the ping pong table, that dream is fast becoming a fantasy. At any rate, with Betsy at the helm, I know you are in good hands sailing toward your 80th birthday, Master! Your fan and friend, Joe Eng |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Sunday, March 02, 2008 - 11:27 am: | |
#47 |
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Ld Username: Ld
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Sunday, March 02, 2008 - 11:45 am: | |
From Y R Shen 沈元壤 典藏黑金
典藏黑金,使用黑色燙金的包裝盒來襯托其高貴的氣質,因為 典藏黑金年產量只有1000公斤非常稀有,且使用海拔1000公尺以上的有機茶菁,經小綠葉蟬吸食 後的茶菁因細胞膜遭受破壞,生長發育受阻,造成葉子呈現黃褐色,使得茶湯色澤與一般有所不 同,為了將茶的口感和香氣特色充分表現,由經驗豐富技術純熟的烘焙師,依照高山烏龍茶重發 酵的製造方式,遵循古法使用龍眼樹的木炭進行手工烘焙,每次6-8 小時,每次完成後必須停滯 3-4 天後才能再進行下一次的烘焙,總共要循環烘焙7 次、歷時30天的製程才能完成,經過繁複 手續製作完成的茶葉,帶有獨特蜂蜜香與熟果香,無論熱香、溫香、冷香、杯底香都非常持久, 尤其水質更是渾厚甘醇、回味無窮,而且飲用這種茶葉就好比飲用上等X.O.的白蘭地一樣需要細 細品嚐,剛入口時兩頰生津,香氣芬芳,入喉後更是滋味醇厚,獨有的香氣口感,唯有親自品嚐 到的人才能了解,這些都是一般茶葉無法展現的特點也是其高貴的所在,其泡茶方法更是非常 簡易,只要茶葉3公克,水溫100度,用150cc 的水量浸泡五分鐘,倒出即可飲用 ************************************************************** 所谓 的黑金是一种什么样的加工工艺,对人体有什么益处?可有什么讲究? 黑金是台灣一個茶葉公司一款茶的品牌名稱。 指的是東方美人在鹿谷茶區演化而來的「高山蜜香茶」。 茶品本身是帶著蜜香味的半球型重發酵的烏龍茶做法。 因為重發酵加上中度的烘焙,所以外表比一般烏龍茶黑 名稱因此而來。 對於人体的益處、跟一般茶差不多。只是胺基酸的含量稍高一些。 |